Shinita already said, that this won't be a game with sharing or NTR. And Shinita also already said, that we get some choices regarding Edwards in future releases. This means, that something like the garage scene is not a indicator for the rest of the game, probably it was one of the more extreme in regard of other males going after your LIs. No need for your "concerns" or "NTR-vibe feelings". I suggest to play until the end of the release or wait for the next one and give it try. I also suggest to read the dev notes on the OP.
Holy jumping to conclusions batman.
"Feels like the set-up for a NTR game to be honest" nowhere implies I think it is intended to be a NTR game or that is a NTR game.
It just "feels" like one. Showing a whole bunch of nude pics of your LI to some fucking random dude is mega gross cucky shit.
I played the full content and formed an opinion about it- just what the game felt like to me
Honestly the worst part was playing as that wimpy, overly horny protag- everything about him just screams 'I'm 14.'
His appearance, attitude, and how easy he is to push around. That is a different aspect altogether though.