"I almost asked out this beautiful, intelligent, caring, and funny woman, but then I found out she works too hard trying to save people's lives. Boy, did I dodge a bullet there."
Haha, yeah sounds dumb.
Apart from that, i always believe it to be a bit silly if someone self-inserts into a MC which has an actual characterization.
MyMC does a lot of stuff which I as a real person wouldn't do in real life, and that is actually the charm of any game with a pre-defined Character played from a third person view. It has its own story shaped by me, but is inevitably told to me by its author.
On the other hand would be for instance a highly customizable avatar in a MMORPG or a shooter played mainly in POV. Those would be a representation of my "real me", because their autonomous agency is near zero percent. They have no thoughts of their own, they can't take actions on their own, and if i type '/salute' they do.
No, in games like 'Nothing is forever' the MC isn't my avatar who enables me to take part in a game world, it (the MC) is my puppet and i am his puppetmaster. Instead of saying "I did Maraudon last night and finally X dropped for me" i would usually refer to those characters like "In my canon playthrough MyMC friendzoned Olivia, dropped Deb and fucked all others". Of course i would puppeteer MyMC according to my preferences, so with time and if the game allows it (the better ones do), it would shape into a character who resembles me in parts.
The same stands true with the Ladies: i would very, very, very rarely refer to them as my 'Love Interests', but rather call them my favourites. They gain my favour with their looks, their characterization and their kinks (if i happen to like them) and of course a good written character is also able to invoke several emotions in me, as they should. Of course i hate Joffrey Baratheon and i do suffer with Sansa Stark, i want to see nudes and hot action with her, i am involved, but calling her my 'Love' is a bit creepy and lets be honest: It is a stalker who can't draw this line. Don't be that guy.
I really think if you keep your distance where distance is due, you can enjoy those games on a better level, because you don't need to get infuriated if your puppet and the ladies, whose strings are pulled in fact to a far greater degree by its author, do stuff you wouldn't, or you prefer they wouldn't.