This is really good. Just found this last week, and I have been somewhat enthralled. The art is great. The music selection is excellent, and never throws me out of a scene. It always sets/matches the tone. The premise of this - the swapping between the present past - has been handled really well. There has not been a single time when we swapped between the two time frames that I felt it was poorly timed, or took too long. But the things that makes me love this are the writing and the characters.
The characters in this come off as believable, and loveable. They come off as real. Their reactions to the various situations are understandable. They are flawed human beings just trying to get by in an incredibly stressful situation. They are full of doubts and worries. Whenever I see the MC second guessing himself, or questioning a previous decision and wondering if he made the right call, I get it. I am right there with him. It is the same with the girls. I keep making decisions not based on a walkthrough or trying to get some optimal score, but on what I think they would do. Because I want to make decisions that result in them finding that happiness they deserve. I care about what happens to them. That does not happen with every game I come across, and is a sign that I've found something special. But the reason I care about them is because the writing in this is so good. A story like this needs an ebb and flow to it. It needs those moments of stress, and of calm. Of seriousness, and of levity. This game has that in spades.
I have no idea how I stumbled across this, but I am very glad I did. I am looking forward to writing an actual review of this once I have finished playing through what is currently available. (Think i'm probably close, but I wanted to get at least the rough ideas down now.) If I could, I would back the devs on patreon. As things stand, I'll have to wait till closer to the final release and see what I can do.