No not lovers but Julie has a son, as MC asks her about it, she just says, she doesn't like it and some of them are trying to change the mind of their leaders, didn't sound all that convincing, neither that they are the majority.
As for Sydney, yeah i agree.
She says that there where (implying they left) and are other men, iirc the MC even wonders why Julie tells him that there are other men and if she just didn't know or is just parroting some official lines.
There are hundrets of women inside iirc, so there should have been a sizeable amount of men over time. So i'd guess whatever they do, they do it for long time, probably since the begining.
Why would the men leave ? They have family/lovers not far away, the hotel is stocked and it is a safe zone, why would anyone believe they just left.
Personaly i don't think that a small group would be able to keep this a secret, the inner circle at the very least would notice it. I mean, the men leaving all the time just doesn't sound convincing, so they tolerate it at least. If it was just Cassie and few others, they could stop them at any time.
But as u said, speculation and i think, i have said enough about it.
Sure but the core was police/Military, don't u think they would questioning Sydney very thoroughly ? She was part of MC's group, i don't see how this would end well. But yes we will likely never know.
A good idea? Hell no, just better than the alternative imo.
And yes they are safer in the compound, until they find out about Cassie or whats going on in the hotel, than it isn't safe anymore.
Even if Cassie was just part of small group, which are behind that, in secret and against the will of the leadership, all the more reason for them to silence both, dead men tell no tales.
They can scavenge for resources, find a better car, be cautious with infected/bandits and outside of the city the number of infected/bandits should be far lower at least.
Is it safe ? Of course not, but it is even harder to protect yourself against a knife in the back, even more so, if u have no idea who is behind this.
Jacks plan was, that they make him look like a rapist, so all the blame goes on him and Naomi/Sydney/Julie are safe from any suspicions. But would they really buy it ?
They saw how the group arrived, happily chatted, visited him, stayed the night with him at the hotel, they spend time in the haven and all 3 women with him were armed...imagine Naomi or Sydney making this story belivable, infront of police officers no less...honestly, i don't think Jack has thought this through to the end.
Honestly that was disappointing, MC already realised he fucked up and needs to prepare much better, as they fled from the old apartment.
They planed to leave the city, he knew he needs a better car, they stayed weeks in the school and we saw the MC trained a lot and was bored, because nothing else was to do...
He should have prepared/stocked the car at very least, in case they need to flee fast.
His car frustrates me to no end...since the first episodes it was warned how bad it is, for the current situation.
How hard can it be to find a damn car in this city...the dead battery wouldn't even be a problem they had a working generator in the school and every car service should have some charger to load car-batterys.
I hope there is some kind of accident and that car will finaly be history
I'm not unhappy with the direction of the story, my problem isn't that
Sydney is leaving the group, or Julie not joining them. But the reasoning and reactions, like from Sydney, she literally reacts with ''Oh shit. That's not good.The getting killed part.''
thats pretty much the last thing we hear from her...
I think he should have spend at least a episode soley for the haven plot, it's an important moment after all. At the moment it feels just rushed, not very convincing and left me with a bitter taste and not because im sad that we will likely never see them again. It is even more frustrating, when we had 4 or 5 episodes at the school, with not much happening.