In the prologue it talks about Ash taking over referee duties and then when we get to the actual game we've got Justice as the referee, What's the explanation for that? Also, where did Chingon, Velveteen, La Roja, and possibly others that I'm forgetting, come from?
I know I had the line about Ash being the referee in the original prologue, but that got changed in the remastered version. I also put in a line about some of the girls being overseas to explain why some of the wrestlers you see in Week 1 weren't in that meeting.
As for the actual reason why it was intially like that: because I don't plan that far ahead. I write everything on the fly, and when I was writing the prologue, the plan was to use Ash as the referee. When I started working on week 1, I had an idea to use Ash as the "corrupt" referee that works for the Masters family when they intend to cheat in a match they're involved in, so I had to make the "normal" referee, thus... Justice was born. Anyone up to date knows that I never did go in that direction with Ash, but she has been the referee for a match, so she's basically the "spare" ref.
The reason that Chingon, La Roja, and Velveteen weren't in the prologue was because, like Justice, they didn't exist yet. I thought I had enough girls to fill out the roster, but realized I didn't when I was laying out matches for week 1. Since I couldn't use Derry or the twins (due to them training), I didn't have a whole lot of wrestlers to pick from, especially considering that tag-teams ate up two girls instead of just one. I needed more wrestlers to flesh out the roster, so I made more wrestlers to flesh out the roster. Simple as that.
I realize that a lot of things may come out of nowhere, get glossed over, or even kind of contradict other things, but I'm in no way a professional writer. I'm just some jackass jotting down nonsense as it comes to me. I have a couple of future story beats in mind, but 99% of what you see is written as I make the episodes. I come up with an idea for a scene, write it out, then start posing it and usually most of my rewrites come while I'm doing the posing. After I have the renders, I plug everything into the script, and start writing the next scene.
Does it make for a nice, coherent story? No... but then again, I'm not aiming for the New York Times bestseller list. I make a porn game about wrestling and I directly reference the idea of "Deus ex machina" in the prologue, so if you see any plot holes... blame Wash.