
Feb 28, 2017
Someone check if there are viruses? Can I download it safely?
Relax. Of course it's safe. I'd understand if you were cautious about some random person with 0 reputation sharing the links, but the thread creator is a well known and respected contributor. It's not in his interest to tank his reputation over one little VN. Also, just get some kind of additional security suite, like Malwarebytes or a free anti-virus. If you're paranoid you can also scan the file on VirusTotal, an online service, and hell even go the extra mile and run it in a virtual machine. I mean why not. At that point you might go all the way.

If you wanna be 100% sure in the future, buy the games yourself. There's no way there would be anything malicious in official releases that you purchased, cause the dev/publishers would be liable to be sued for damages.


It's safe.
Jan 9, 2019
There's a ridiculous gap in what constitutes a "bad translation" between translation purists (read: people who learned JP to play hentai games and spend more time griping about style than actually playing games in English), and a pirate community where Google Translate MTLs are deemed to be content worth sharing. It's a professional translation. As far as something for nothing goes, it's going to be a pretty good TL. The people who claim that MTL would be better are either out of their minds, clueless, or trolling. Notice in the Reddit thread how the OP doesn't attempt a translation: because he knows that if he did so he would become a target.
I don't think people are saying MTL is better than professional, but rather that MTL is better than no existing translation. I whole-hearted agree with the later. At least I can play most MTL poetry (ok, that Demonion translation was oof). I can't play a game with no translation...and waiting for professional can be a decade long or even a never endeavor.
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Reactions: Josba


Jun 18, 2017
There's a ridiculous gap in what constitutes a "bad translation" between translation purists (read: people who learned JP to play hentai games and spend more time griping about style than actually playing games in English), and a pirate community where Google Translate MTLs are deemed to be content worth sharing. It's a professional translation. As far as something for nothing goes, it's going to be a pretty good TL. The people who claim that MTL would be better are either out of their minds, clueless, or trolling. Notice in the Reddit thread how the OP doesn't attempt a translation: because he knows that if he did so he would become a target.
A little bit presumptuous to speak for a whole community isn't it? But I think I get what you mean. Personally I don't like MTLs, maybe for a quick Nukinge from DLsite or so but not for a full length VN. It may be a professional TL but a TL doesn't become automatically 'pretty good' just because someone got Paid to do it. However, I agree that thinking a MTL would be better is stupid.

When you Translate something you still can do a good job contentwise, but fail at preserving the cultural aspects. Often it begins by removing Honorifics, changing Last/First Name order, Translating untranslatable things like Sensei wit Mr or so instead of using Footnotes or Hypertext to quickly explain its meaning for Players who don't know the meaning. This often happens because of cost cutting or as an attempt to broaden the potential Buyership. Unseetling parts of the existing Buyership in the process.

If you are fine with such Translations good for you, have fun. I hope for a Fangroup or so that maybe Edits the TL to fix at least the roughest Western changes, or my Japanese finally get's good enough that I can onjoy a Japanese VN without getting tired after an hour or so...^^


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2017
Can someone tell me how to get the missing 6 scenes 3rd on page 2, Last on page 4 and all 3 on page 5 seem to be not obtainable, since there are only 1 choice in the entire game I don't have a clue how to get those. Think I might have found it replay the routes and new choices come up, annoying way to do it but ok. At elast that's why the CTRL button exist.
Guess I still can't find 3rd on page 2, not gonna ctrl though the game over and over to maybe find 1 scene.
oh and sister not getting any love was not right.
She gets some lovin in the second game at least, I assume they got complaints lol
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New Member
Jul 26, 2018
Price: €25

These VN porn games are truly ridiculously expensive for how little (and simple) the content they provide is. That is even more ridiculous than those people who throw hundreds after their favorite Patreon creators.
The 2* hours of game play are based off the 591 MB version on Steam... i.e. all of the adult content stripped out. The +18 patch that you can get on Johren is 4.5 GBs and basically adds everything in the game. I'm actually curious and will play the non patched game to see how much was actually striped out for fun.

It was done this way be allowed on steam and abide by their terms and conditions. The actual game with patch is 40 hours (depending on how fast you can read). This game is FULL of innuendo, puns and clever word play. The translators do their best to match the style and tone, but there are instances where they have to not directly translate the script in order for it to make sense (most of the time this is because the wordplay does not translate into English). I'm absolutely loving the over the top shenanigans in this.

Go in with an attitude of "This is just a ridiculous, fun nukige where fapping is an after thought" and you'll have a great time. stay tuned for the sequel that is already green lite for a English translation where they pull an isekai.
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Dec 4, 2018
From what I read, he seems to be in the love over casual sex camp. That sounds very white knight-ish to me and the opposite of proactive.
Being proactive is not limited to sexual stuff at all. Even asexual person can be proactive. In that sense MC is proactive there. And if by proactiveness you meant only pursuing of sex - then no, MC is not "proactive" like that. But not because of his spinelessness. Abstinence until single love marriage partner is his conscious stance and anabated principle. In fact if he was spineless MC - he would be reverse raped in such lewd setting as soon as possible. And having such MC in that lewd setting is what makes this comedy all the more funny.
Probably you should use correct words for what you mean. Instead of "proactive MC" I would suggest using "playboy MC". Then I would recommend something like Doukyuusei or Dohna Dohna, for example.
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Feb 28, 2017
Being proactive is not limited to sexual stuff at all.
Eh, totally depends on the situation. You can spin it any other way. To me, a proactive MC entails someone who can take a 3rd option, instead of merely being pro or against something. For instance, genre shift. MC takes all of the heroines from the island on a speedboat he stole in the first 30 minutes and employs them in his human trafficking organization. Unless you choose not to, in which case you can go on with the story. And if there's a problem or a character the MC doesn't like? He glocks them. Done. But such games don't exist. Or, if they do, they're extremely rare. Why put the effort when the sales are going to be exactly the same no matter what?


Oct 27, 2019
so uh is this game worth 5 gigs? hoping i dont have to find out by downloading it. thanks in advance to those who respond.
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