I agree with you. I don't really blame anyone in this situation. I probably wasn't clear enough with my overall point in my post. There is nobody at fault. I just wish that a game that is clearly not done, wasn't listed as completed, despite the dev saying so, when it clearly is unfinished. But ultimately, it's a minor point. Whatever label a game has on the top of the page doesn't have any or very little influence whether a game is actually worked on or not.
For me personally, when I logged in here one day and saw that Oath of Loyalty was listed as "Completed", I felt a momentary sense of happiness and exitement that there must have been a massive update finishing up the story, and I was greatly looking forward to playing it. But as soon as I looked at the page, I realized that this wasn't the case, and in fact, the game has barely progressed from the last update, with its shocking (to me) event, and that it was in fact on its way to be abandoned. It was a big dissapointment. But that's life, of course.
Some devs will work on their game as a labor of love, and just be happy if they get a few hundred a month just for extra spending money. Others are really in it to pay their bills, and if they don't make enough, they have to do something else with their time.
I completely get it. As a player, I am disappointed whenever a game I love gets abandoned, but it happens. More and more lately, it seems. I support quite a few small-time developers on Patreon, whenever I realy love a game and think that the dev is under-supported, based on the quality of the work. City of Broken Dreamers is one of the top games here, for example, and I love it. But since the dev is getting $15K per month, he won't even notice if I become a Patreon. But if a game I love just has a few hundred patrons, or is making a few hundred a month, I feel I owe it to the dev to do my part if I love the game, and hopefully my modest contribution will help him and encourage him to continue.
But, because of this, quite a few of the games I've supported end up abandoned eventally, because the level of support just isn't there for the dev to want to continue.