Later with Angela at her home ... I picked the middle option on their first meeting and the way they interact does not fit. I mean they talked for what? 5-10min and now they are hugging and stuff? Havent played the path when you meet up with her, maybe than it fits better ...
All in all this is a nice game and a good introduction. The renders and girls look good and the game flow is nice.
From all your points this one is the one I get the least. The poor girl is stricken with grief, she's pouring her heart out to main as she sees him as someone who can relate to her. Whats he going to do, stand there and just let her cry? He's obviously also relating to her pain and wants to comfort her. It's not like they're making out and he's humping her leg!
Actually none of your points make sense to me. Main drinks and parties as any other normal 20some year old would. Mary's drinking every night to the point she s passing out in a stuper, you dont see a difference?
Jane obviously got his address, she might be new to the city, but she knows the rich part of town, why would she be surprised by going to a house that's in a rich neighborhood? Would be like saying hey meet me at my house in Beverly Hills and you showing up and being surprised that its a huge house. And besides, why would she care about the house? She's from a poor family, obviously she sees that as a plus for her to get with him.
hey, but thanks for the feedback