Anybody else getting annoyed about how little the MC is pushing back?
Paulie goes crazy - "we should really do something about him, right Dad?".
The Dad/Frank decides the MC's future? "But Daaaad..", like a goddamn kid.
This update did 3 things for me..
1. Made the MC look like a whiny bitch.
2. Made his dad look like a complete moron.
3. Made me want a mother/aunt sammich everyday.
I played a good path, don't know if ruthless is the same but all my mc did most of the update was whine about something.
I also had to question how his dad managed to get any power with how dumb he was in the episode. His son says he heard a recording of his uncle and a woman plotting his death and his dad not only dismisses him but completely ignores it and makes him bring his mother/sister out of protection with the hitman still around.
All this on top of Paulie killing women and children, flying off the rails and MC's dad still doing nothing about him.
I also had to go back and not have sex with a certain someone. I'm all for free love and people having sex with whoever they want as long as everyone is happy and consenting but I really don't want to see my MC getting rubbed down by fingers that have been in his uncles arse.
There are lines even Ava won't cross and going second after bum fingers is one of them. I could tell her she giving a shit handjob and mean it quite literally.
I know, but you can't just ignore her like you can with other characters. You are forced into a relationship with her whether you like her not. She gets pregnant no matter what even if you don't cum in her. Don't know about anyone else, but for me I couldn't abandon someone who is pregnant with my kid.
You can't ignore Jane but you can leave her when Danielle comes to see you and tells you Jane is leaving. Either don't go and see her or tell her to leave when you do.
Also read the notes after that scene,
she isn't planning on keeping the kid.