So this is a positive opinion in your eyes?
I'd call it a joke. Perhaps you do not recognise the humour in it.
So in your post not only did you fail to mention OOL would return regardless of support(wonder why you left that bit out eh) but in fact you alluded to the exact opposite leaving two choices for anyone who is hear for OOL only
Choice#1: Remove support and expect OOL never to return
Choice#2: Keep support a dev for a game that isnt seeing any work put into it for the foreseeable until it hits said amount of support.
Right. So it's their choice.
They either accept his explanation & choose to continue supporting, or they do not.
Thanks for proving my point.
and whilst no one is OBLIGATED to pay they feel OBLIGATED because its the only chance to see a game they enjoy make it anywhere. Bottom line you are giving ultimatums and strong arming anyone who is here for OOL only into paying for UHA content in hopes you one day switch back to OOL.
How YOU feel is up to you, no-one else.
It also does not mean that everyone/anyone else feels the same way.
Obviously quite a number do not.
I am not giving ultimatums. I do not know what you're talking about, I have nothing to do with the game.
It's not strong arming.
You've been informed, in advance, that this is how it's going.
You are not automatically entitled to have this game continue.
The dev has put it on hold, until he reaches a stated amount.
If you do not agree with this approach, do not pay him.
It's really that simple.
P.S "Positive Opinion" I don't think that means what you think it means