Looks interesting, I will give it a try but in the future could you please compile for Linux as well? This is the first renpy game I have come across that did not include Linux version. Most renpy games bundle the Linux version with the windows version.
For anyone else using Linux just do the following to get it going(requires you to have another renpy game).
After you have done this, you can run it like any other renpy game.
sh Offcuts.sh
For anyone else using Linux just do the following to get it going(requires you to have another renpy game).
cd Offcuts-0.1-win
** ../some-other-renpy-game/lib/linux-* lib/
** ../some-other-renpy-game/*.sh .
mv lib/linux-x86_64/name-of-other-game lib/Linux-x86_64/Offcuts
mv lib/linux-i686/name-of-other-game lib/linux-i686/Offcuts
mv name-of-other-game.sh Offcuts.sh
sh Offcuts.sh