I tought I taw a mention of an update...welp, stencilbits just sent us patrons this (yes, he could have sent this to you...just go and give him some Patreon support!). You might be interested...
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Monthly update: A happy cat edition
Finally! All content for 0.3 is finally ready! I originally planned the release at the end of this month but I'll use a few more days to re-render some of the graphics, check the script and finalize the new visual shader system. It shouldn't take much more than a week or so as this remaining stuff is "nice to have" but not critical. Still, as I previously mentioned I planned to release 0.3 this month but as that didn't happen I'll be skipping this month's Patron payments once again. Trying to stick to deadlines to is kind of a personal carrot-and-stick challenge to me. And as you know I'm really good at creating deadlines - actually completing them is entirely different matter.
Once the 0.3 release is out, there is more stuff incoming:
* Poll deciding which girl will have their route done next. The choices will be Alice, Kate or Helen.
* Animations with Blender 2.8. The newest Blender is still in beta, but it's generally in good enough shape so that I can start moving my existing content (models, textures, materials, etc.) to it. I have written a large amount of Python code for automagically managing much of that content and I'll have to port all that code to Blender 2.8. Hard to say how big of a task this will be, I'll know more when I'll start doing it. If this goes well it can significantly increase how fast I can render visual content.
* Possibly a bit more interactive 2D-character dolls and CG-images (expressions, limb and eye movements, etc.) by improving the new shader rendering system. This is something I have been tinkering with for my own amusement, so low priority.