Holy cow... this game has rocketed up my favorites list. I love the female models (and the characterization is pretty nice as well, even if I think the ladies doth protest too much), and it genuinely elicits belly laughs from me. The prison bit was especially hysterical. When the card came up, I genuinely thought, "Holy shit! They pulled a Raid 2!" for a moment. The only thing that could have made it better is if it was the card from Spongebob. And, to go back a bit, it also managed to be genuinely creepy, which I certainly appreciate. Rarely has a game juggled tones this well in my experience.
I'm guessing by the time the next couple of chapters are released, it'll be even better since we'll see a few other arcs really blossom. If it can stick the landing instead of suddenly ending in the middle of the story like a couple of games I could mention, it will be a classic. They're doing great work and just earned a Patron.