Couldn't get through it after the second sandboxing moment.
The game starts out with you waking up from bed and then drops you into a free roam with no idea what to do. Took me a bit to realize I had to find stuff to click on to move forward, and there's no different directions to go, only one direction you can go, so why does it even exist in the first place? There's no point to a sandbox if there is only one thing to do in it.
As well, are we male or female? The tags say female protagonist, but from what I played, everyone acts like you are a male. MC feels like an angsty teenager who gets treated like dirt by his boss and just takes it. Just wasn't enjoyable.
Need to tag the game properly. Sandbox (or Point & Click at least) and I'm guessing a male protagonist, not female (as per the post just above mine).
Either way, just wasn't for me. Still wish you the best of luck with your remake and thanks.