3.80 star(s) 63 Votes


Jul 27, 2017
Seeing some negativity, some with legitimate criticism that I agree with and some that is a bit misguided and didn't see previous versions of the game or don't know the dev.

As someone who saw the early builds of this game, I am pleasantly surprised. I had a bit of an advantage already knowing the gist of the game so I could understand what the crappy tutorials were trying to tell me. Overall there has been general improvements and the game is in a much better and presentable state now then when I last played it.

Regarding minigame problems, I wouldn't be surprised to see some changes to make them better. The earlier build minigames went through a few iterations, so the dev isn't afraid of changing things. Considering this is the same dev that made Last Evil, the Slay the Spire inspired card game, I'm confident that general gameplay will improve since that game is pretty fun. I did buy the game on steam and hope the rough edges will continue to be ironed out.


New Member
May 11, 2021
Waow, actually great game with some bad first experience!

Funny plot, not most boring gameplay but cracked as hell. Couldn't undesrtand how to end my first massage more than D grade like for hour. I thought that I'm too stupid, because already checked not only forum messages, but also youtube video to check what I'm doing wrong. Problem was only in game bug, which required to restart the game, so I literally wasted whole hour to bug.
After that, given that I had already read half of the comments, I realized that you need to earn money in order to get more progress. A couple of times in the minigame literally broke my mind, but then I understood how simple and logical it was, so the only problem was the small amount of money received and because of this - its a dead level.

What can I say? It was worth it. Extremely good animations (not without bugs), gameplay that not boring (except minigame), good amount of content and big future potential.

Most of the animation bugs were with a Harpy, like her flying face without a body in the scenes, or 2nd stage of massage where u cannot find the "hot spot" because it's beyond the screen, also clothes in scene which u can wear, but after u need to watch whole scene without any of bodyparts. Most important bug the first one, u cannot even "touch" the gameplay. I felt how many ppl just dropped this game because of it. I was close to drop as well, but thanks to guy that mentioned to restart game so you cango further.
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Active Member
Aug 7, 2019
i donk know how to play the massage events from the door, the tutorials dont explain well how to play, someone can explain it to me?


Sep 21, 2017
Game and animation is great so far but the tutorial is not so great. Had to search this forum for tutorial.


Dec 10, 2021
The hand on the elfs knee when she's sitting in the towel what do I do? I can't do anything except tap her knee, mouse buttons and movement does nothing
3.80 star(s) 63 Votes