Our Life: Beginnings & Always v1.7.1 (Android) 6 DLCs Unlocker (Step 1, Step 2, Step 3, Cove Wedding DLC, Derek DLC, Baxter DLC)
The base game APK file (ourlife-1.7.1-novoice.apk) actually has all the DLCs apart of the free Voiced Names DLC.
It's the same with the Voiced Name Base Game APK (ourlife-1.7.1-voice.apk).
You can confirm this yourself by using a ZIP program to open the APK and browsing into ./assets/x-game/
That's why the Android download are bigger than the Windows or Mac downloads.
The 40 MB APK DLCs are just unlockers that sets a variable in your save file to enable said DLC when launched, that's why it's only 40 MB. However since the base game is updated to 1.7.1 and sometimes you encounter 1.7.0 DLC APKs, you might encounter a chicken and egg problem if you already installed the 1.7.1 base game and wanted to enable the DLCs since Android does not allow downgrading installed APKs, requiring you to uninstall the 1.7.1 base game first, potentially losing your save files if you haven't copied /sdcard/Android/data/ourlife.demo.apk/files/saves using a computer.
This save file already has every known DLC unlocked and won't overwrite your saves (they're different files vs your save slots).
To use, copy the content of this ZIP file into your Android's device internal storage, you might need to use a computer and enable USB file transfer since Android 11 upwards (I think, or Android 12. I can't remember) blocks access to /sdcard/Android/data from apps on the phone (including file manager) except when using USB file transfer
You must overwrite a file called "persistent" located in /sdcard/Android/data/ourlife.demo.apk/files/saves/persistent in order to unlock all the known DLCs.
Afterwards you can simply install the base game and the Voiced Name DLC or the Voiced Name base game APK instead.