Don Sucio

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2021
Don't think the dev would ever include that content so there's no reason for it to be a choice. Lena saying that she fantasize about being the dominant one makes sense because she can be that already towards Louise and/or Ian.
I´m lookink forward to do that, my Lena has fucked Ian some times, nothing about Louis yet ( a kiss in the game and that´s it), i suposse i need to advance more in the story for become dominant as Lena, or is it necessary do something for get this?


May 30, 2020
I'm on the fence. I agree, given the shaft job of content (COUGH COUGH Ian-Ivy COUGH) and entirely under preforming in the actual story (other than circle jerking with kinks and fetish content, still have yet to get into the tourney after 3+ "updates), EK's disappointed the fans majorly. So IF she is honestly considering to hang it up with ORS after 16 chapters, then the remaining ones better be LOOOOOOAAAAADDDDDDDEEEEEDDDD with Content and Actual Story progress. To which, natually, I have serious doubts with given how she said herself, she wants to listen to the "polls" (Oh yeah, news fucking flash there EK, It's ALWAYS GONNA BE A ONE FUCKING SIDED BULLSHIT VOTE of Cindy/Jeremy getting top spots) while claiming that she wants to stay "true" to her own story. That went out the fucking window when she did questionable reworks and keeps given her fetish fans more content over and over than ACTUAL story or giving content out to others that have been in the toolshed. (Mainly Ian-Ivy/Emma.)

NOW, could she consider going with a "DLC" sort of deal and add on to the story? It's possible. But honestly I highly doubt this game is gonna be truly wrapped up in 16 chapters, if that. That would mean EK would have to actually put in alot more work, have a much longer development time. Problem with that, she rushes herself with said development time, tries pushing deadlines on herself to put out the chapters, which end up being either sub-par or above average in reception.

But that's my two cents on the matter. Feel free to give headpats folks.
I 100% agree with this (they really need to add the 100 emoji to F95). I was going to write a post like this, but you beat me to the punch :KEK:.

So Im just gonna add the following: Assuming that the updates will have the same size as they always had, I cant honestly see how Eva is going to wrap up the story in just 5 chapters...

Looking just on the Ian path and Ians LIs (because thats the only thing I care about :HideThePain::HideThePain:), I see just 4 LIs that already have an ending set up and ready to end in 5 chapters: Cindy, Holly, Alison and Lena. Minerva too if Im assuming that she wont leave her husband and kids to say with Ian. To a lesser degree I can see it with Cherry too :unsure:

But this just leaves Ivy, Emma, Louise, Gillian and Jessica (half the cast!) in the shit. Why would you tease us with Ivy for so long, why would you have 0 dating content with Emma for a long time, why add Jessica to ORS and having her date Ian, why have Louise having the "hots" for Ian in the last 2 chapters and why add Gillian to the mix... Why do all these things if youre not gonna have them pay off like they deserve? :confused:. The problem with the more content per update and Eva is explained on Hawkes post :HideThePain:

And this is looking just at the Ian side... Imagine if I added whats left for the Lena side :HideThePain::HideThePain:


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2022
- Ivy and another male character
- Lena and Seymour ( and not just another photoshoot )
- Lena and Axel ( Lena falls even harder for Axel and starts having mixed feelings and reconsiders her relationship with him, and what about Ian ? )
- Cindy and Axel ( things will get even more complicated, extra fun and drama and i'm here for it )
- Lena MMF threesome ( preferably with Jeremy and Ian because it will affect Ian and Jeremy's relationship as well as Lena and Ian's, It will be interesting to see how things develop from there )
- Hmmm what else.... Lena x Stan ?? ( whatever but i wouldn't be surprised considering the polls ) what if Louise catches them, how will that affect their relationship ? Is she going to be a good slave or turn on Lena ? that will be interesting
- I almost forgot, IAN x EMMA x JEREMY !
Is probably about Seymour,feels like of the important characters hes the the one stuck the most in the "backburner" with this plot moving sideways.


Engaged Member
Oct 29, 2017
I 100% agree with this (they really need to add the 100 emoji to F95). I was going to write a post like this, but you beat me to the punch :KEK:.

So Im just gonna add the following: Assuming that the updates will have the same size as they always had, I cant honestly see how Eva is going to wrap up the story in just 5 chapters...

Looking just on the Ian path and Ians LIs (because thats the only thing I care about :HideThePain::HideThePain:), I see just 4 LIs that already have an ending set up and ready to end in 5 chapters: Cindy, Holly, Alison and Lena. Minerva too if Im assuming that she wont leave her husband and kids to say with Ian. To a lesser degree I can see it with Cherry too :unsure:

But this just leaves Ivy, Emma, Louise, Gillian and Jessica (half the cast!) in the shit. Why would you tease us with Ivy for so long, why would you have 0 dating content with Emma for a long time, why add Jessica to ORS and having her date Ian, why have Louise having the "hots" for Ian in the last 2 chapters and why add Gillian to the mix... Why do all these things if youre not gonna have them pay off like they deserve? :confused:. The problem with the more content per update and Eva is explained on Hawkes post :HideThePain:

And this is looking just at the Ian side... Imagine if I added whats left for the Lena side :HideThePain::HideThePain:
As such, she "claims" that Chapter 12 will supposedly have alot of the so called 'backburner' content in it. Likely meaning Ivy, Emma, Jessica, Geymour with Lena, etc. Now, I'll believe it when I see with this and EK. So far, it's been all talk, no results. Empty promises.

And I think it's pretty much a given in saying in 5 chapters it's gonna all be finished? What a joke.

And you nailed it. Why tease Ivy for 3+ years, only giving her a ton of fan service and the occational hook up with Lena or Holly, but no actual fun time with Ian? Even when she said in last years QnA that THERE WOULD BE Ian-Ivy, but admitted... That was on the back burner. Not to mention... Emma gets what? 4 actual scenes with Ian and then has been radio silent since our bathroom fun time? Like what the fuck EK? Wheres the love there... OH WAIT... We gotta listen to the polls and slide in more bbc and Cinders fun times, not to mention incel STAN has to get FAR MORE AIR TIME than Ian-Ivy/Emma. As for Jessica, mainly the Bad Jess, it's teased at best that maybe they could hook up, but again, haven't or even chatted things up.

So if EK actual decides to call it quits after 16, like I said prior, there would have to be alot of things filled in and the updates need to be larger than before to fill in gaps/content/story and what not. Otherwise... people are gonna be left disappointed and might reconsider investing on her if she's gonna half ass it on the back end and leave things unfulfilling.

| Vee |

Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2022
Is probably about Seymour,feels like of the important characters hes the the one stuck the most in the "backburner" with this plot moving sideways.

Is probably about IanxIvy, feels like Ivy is the important one of the characters she's the the one stuck the most in the "backburner" with this plot moving sideways.:BootyTime:
Emma too is side tracked.:(

I played this game for IanxIvy and will leave with Ivy!:BootyTime:


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2022

Is probably about IanxIvy, feels like Ivy is the important one of the characters she's the the one stuck the most in the "backburner" with this plot moving sideways.:BootyTime:
Emma too is side tracked.:(

I played this game for IanxIvy and will leave with Ivy!:BootyTime:
Good luck,bro,seems like you Ivy fans are going to get shafted:LOL:
And yes,i know my post is kinda ironic because of Stan but honestly i dont even care anymore,especially after this 16 chaptes news.


Active Member
Feb 18, 2018
While its possible that the ending get rushed with 4 chapters less, its a net positive, since the developement drags on forever, it branches out too much and Eva loses themselves in perfection/burn-out. So having a(n almost) clear number is a good indicator that the end is in sight and planned.

If the next five chapters take 7 months each (and they could take even longer since the routes branch out more and more), we have something like June 2026 for chapter 16, FOUR YEARS. Adding four chapters for additional over 2 years would not make it better.

Also, the skills aren't set for nine additional chapters. Ian and Lena can already have 7-8 on all skills in chapter 11, so if we assume one skill level up every two chapters, we end the game with max stats.

Chapter 11 8
Chapter 12 8
Chapter 13 9
Chapter 14 9
Chapter 15 10
Chapter 16 10


Mar 5, 2019
16 chapters are fine. Then we can move on to a Holly-centered new game :devilish:.

For Chapter 12 I really hope to see some photoshoot and party with unexpected sex involving Lena and maybe some more content in the Holly corruption path.

Also really looking forward to some DP action for Lena but I guess we will have to wait another chapter or two, I hope it will happen at the very least in chapter 15 and not only in the final one.
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Mar 5, 2019
While its possible that the ending get rushed with 4 chapters less, its a net positive, since the developement drags on forever, it branches out too much and Eva loses themselves in perfection/burn-out. So having a(n almost) clear number is a good indicator that the end is in sight and planned.
Agree. Assuming more branches will lead to more content per chapter five more from now could be plenty of options.

Not sure we will see tha same dev cycle in the next years though: if chapter content grow further it will takes more time even with a new working line (she already handed over some drawings: if that can keep at bay major delays I'm not confident that will significantly speed up the entire process) and I expect to see the mid chapter release option (first release one character view, then another) on the table again the next year, even if EK is not keen to do it. But I really don't see how she will be able to deliver more content in the same amount of time.

Unless the next chapters will pack pretty much the same amount of content of the previous ones, but doesnt' seem to be what EK wants and that would be a disappointing move for a branch-based game expecting to grow exponentially.


New Member
Feb 10, 2018
I wasn't able to have Lena tell Holly that she was thinking of her when she visited her parents in the latest update. Which surprised me because I have max "♥" relationship with her. Anyone know why that might be the case? I'm guessing I skipped some sort of committed relationship option with her at some point. Or maybe it was because I spent too much time with Louise. Whom Lena is the master to if that matters.
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Geralt From Rivia

Forum Fanatic
Jun 15, 2022
EvaKiss isn't done answering the questions on her most recent Q&A, but I figured I'd summarize the more interesting responses so far.

EvaKiss Sept 2023 Q&A Notes #1

1) She is changing her first estimate of 20 chapters for the whole game down to 16 chapters, but this is not fixed. She doesn’t have a clear end goal in mind for the game but knows the general direction she wants to take the storylines.

2) She would like to give Patreons what they want (see Polls), and will make some smaller suggestions happen, but she is going to follow her own vision. Her vision is what keeps her motivated.

3) She was inspired by Mass Effect and Dragon Age. The porn VN that made her realize she could make games like this was "Katie's corruption".

4) She has experimented with AI to create backgrounds to speed things up in production, but the standard of quality is not there yet.

5) Hard to pick a favorite character or story arc since different characters/stories are appealing in different ways. Lena and Ian are fun to write in different ways. Some storylines are easier and more fun than others.

6) GGGB was a porn trope sandbox generating “wildly different” outcomes to player choices, and Eva is really interested in player actions leading to consequences, lacking in most games. For ORS, she wanted inspiration from real-world stories (along with the occasional porn trope) to make the characters more grounded and player choices to have stronger emotional impact.

7) Adding cosmetic options (like tanning Lena) is a pain, but she'd like to add a beard for Ian at some point.

8) There will be more threesomes ahead. More unprotected sex and possible pregnancies ahead as well.

9) She knew having a double protagonist was risky, but she didn’t want to make another GGGB. She wanted new creative challenges to keep her motivated. She will take on new risky challenges in her next game when it comes.

10) Some major plot points and big scenes are expected in Chapter 12 that have been on the backburner for a while.

11) She hasn't totally discarded the idea of something sexy involving Ed and Lena in some way, but it remains to be seen if she'll have time to add it.
1. Bad news. The story feels like it’s only in the middle, many of the characters haven’t received any development, the storylines are hanging in the air, also without development... And it turns out that Eva has already done 2/3 of the entire game. It's good that this is not yet certain.

2. Always follow your vision. Don't forget what Patrons want is a minority group that is active in the comments. Moreover, I consider it necessary to completely ignore the demands of the fetishistic part of the audience, especially those who are the loudest. And focus on your vision.

3. Nice to hear. ME fan sheds a nostalgic tear. Report to the ship as soon as possible.

4. To hell fucking AI

5. Ian-Lena is my base, but I would like to see more development with Ivy and Emma too.

7. I can imagine how difficult it is in a 2D game where you need to draw. It's easier in 3D games, where you play with assets like LEGOs. Of course, there are also problems and not all tasks are easy.

8. Yesssss, more threesomes. :p

10. An important story chapter is what we need. After Ep.9 there were no major challenges and the story moved slowly.

11.No :HideThePain:


Nov 25, 2017
Follow-up from my last post linked here, summarizing Eva's more interesting responses to the Q&A.

EvaKiss Sept 2023 Q&A Notes #2

12) The most laborious part of the game for Eva is the writing and scene planning because she must account for all paths and scene variations. The art takes longer too but is easier to outsource. She has previously said she doesn't think she can outsource the writing.

13) Some more minor characters may have off-screen development (e.g., Perry & Cherry), if she doesn’t have time to add actual scenes for them. She will try to add the scenes though!

14) Eva re-iterates that writing gay (m/m) scenes isn’t her specialty. She’s also opted to avoid transgender characters for this game, writing those characters require depth and nuance, and she has her hands full right now.

15) For post-game content (DLCs), she’d like to write scenes from other characters’ POV besides Ian and Lena.

16) She did not originally intend to make the Holly and Cindy paths mutually exclusive. However, Holly has one of the most complicated plotlines, and Eva wanted to make her plotline and one of Ian’s major plotlines exclusive to help make it all manageable.

17) ORS takes place about 4-5 years after GGGB.

18) Baluart (the fictional city ORS is set in) is a mix of Salamanca and Barcelona, two cities in Spain. Salamanca is a college town with a lively student population. Barcelona is relatively small in actual size (39.34 mi²) but has a vibrant culture. Baluart has no major powerful industries, but significant cultural influence in art and education, attracting visitors and students.

19) She is using VSC when she edits the code for the game.

20) Eva is using a smaller subset of the cast for the beach house event, not a huge group. She thinks they will provide the most interesting interactions though!

21) Natasha (Nat) is currently being used as a cameo. Eva isn’t sure she’ll have time to give her major content outside of dialogue.
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