
Jan 22, 2019
If you want a pure harem route, that is not focused on collecting scenes from NTR routes at all, I wrote one for myself while translating a JP guide using a minimal NTR Harem route.

You won't get all CGs, for example, some of Kyouko's scenes are missing but it worked very well for me.

As a sidenote, I'm so glad this game got a proper translation, I played it ages ago and beat it when there was only a translation for the intro (5 first days). It's very nice to understand the twists completely.

I really gotta replay Tsumamigui 3 as well, seeing as it's also properly translated now.
Thank you, avoid the ntr are not that hard but trial and error for this game took alot of effort. It took me 3 page of saves and 4 playthrough before i know how to manage the preg gauge and get the first ending outside of yukino because no one told me you can only impreg the girls at night :ROFLMAO:


May 20, 2017
Thank you, avoid the ntr are not that hard but trial and error for this game took alot of effort. It took me 3 page of saves and 4 playthrough before i know how to manage the preg gauge and get the first ending outside of yukino because no one told me you can only impreg the girls at night :ROFLMAO:
Yeah, a lot of mechanics aren't properly explained, even in-game. Navigating this game with JP or MTL guides is quite a challenge. I gave up on the MTL guide (too focused on collection) and searched the game in japanese to track down a harem guide I could follow.

It was a chore, had to keep a glossary of relevant JP translations and kept some notes of what happens each turn. But at least there's only unavoidable NTR in that playthrough.

I'm also very happy for InsaneMonster to have fully written an English collection guide, that'll make things easier for other players.


Jul 30, 2022
thank you so much this. I assume that any (?) event that not in harem route will only trigger enemy and should be avoid? Or do you have a list of those event?
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Unfortunately I do not spend enough time to test out all the possible event triggers so no I do not have them all. Some that I can think of from the fly would be things like Saya's NTR with the delinquent duo will only unlock if you activate the urgent business key event on Noon 2 Entrance Hall when it becomes available, Kotone's NTR with Koide will only unlock if you allow Shinohara to examine Kotone instead of yourself before a banquet. Funaki's a bit of an interesting one, since he will only attempt to hustle Saya after Ohno's first successful attack, but even then if Saya's story hasn't progressed far enough he will just give up and go home despite her being alone. The events aren't too difficult to expect once you go through one or two routes, its keeping track when having several of them running to then segregate the actual triggers is what makes it challenging IMO. I might try and figure them all out but that would have to be when I feel like rewriting the walkthrough to have full NTR and Pure Love segregation which is quite unlikely at the moment.


Apr 29, 2017
I've been seeing all these machine translations, but how good are they? Is it the headache level or just weird sometimes?


New Member
Dec 14, 2018
I've been seeing all these machine translations, but how good are they? Is it the headache level or just weird sometimes?
Just finished one of the route.

The TL is decent. Definitely better than google translate or whatever those people use back before AI boom.
Some pronouns are messed up like mistaking "my master" for "my husband/wife". And the translator messed up Yukino's pronouns so she's a he now. But the rest are fine.
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Nov 9, 2020
So I've decided to translate/partially rewrite the scene collection routes from the original source (source link can be found in the walkthrough file) I've been following. The source itself has several mistakes throughout so it would have been corrected after the rewrite, ie. wrong location labels and scene collections. Granted I've been toiling around with the formatting and there's a lot of typing and copy/pasting codes so the walkthrough might have issues, do let me know so that I can correct them. As for improving the walkthrough, I might redo it at some point if I find the time to go through all the routes again but for now this will be the final version with maybe minor fixes moving forward.

The walkthrough is in HTML file, so extract and open with your browser.

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This might get a bit of time to get used to if you are not familiar with Seiya-Saiga guides since I pretty much just ripped their HTML formatting and moved things around; I find the checkboxes quite nice to keep track of progress.

Enjoy the story, dazedanon did a fantastic job in translating this, much appreciated.
thx, the walkthrough is very helpful, but is there a way to save the check box that has been checked so that when you open the file again the check box isn't empty again?


Apr 1, 2018
Just stumbled onto this one and kinda loving it, but there wouldn't happen to be a CG/Image edit so far that translates the titles in the image gallery would there? I'd love to know what I am getting into before selecting a replay


Active Member
May 4, 2021
Just stumbled onto this one and kinda loving it, but there wouldn't happen to be a CG/Image edit so far that translates the titles in the image gallery would there? I'd love to know what I am getting into before selecting a replay
Use your phone's google translate


Jul 30, 2022
thx, the walkthrough is very helpful, but is there a way to save the check box that has been checked so that when you open the file again the check box isn't empty again?
No unfortunately. As to whether this can be done, technically yes but it would require a rewrite of the attributes of the checkboxes to accommodate a Javascript and utilize some sort of storage like localstorage. Not something that is going to be available in the near future if I am to do it for sure, but if someone else is up to the task feel free to do so.

I'd love to know what I am getting into before selecting a replay
So for the most part the scenes can be split into 3 categories: MC storyline, MC true love and MC NTR, with Yukino, Kyoko and Harem following after. The storyline scenes will always start first for each MC in the gallery, followed by true love then NTR that can be identified with netorare (寝取られ) in the title, always ending with the NTR pregnancy notification scene.

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Jul 20, 2018
Well, finally got around to playing this... and man, this was a weird fucking VN... Before anything else, thank you Ncrdrg and InsaneMonster for your guides. I'd have never been able to 100% complete this convoluted mess without your work. The work AliceSoft did here with the various triggers and whatnot somehow feels both complex and half-assed at the same time. Complex because there's a wide variety of scenes and outcomes and a lot of theoretical permutations. Half-assed because the game doesn't quite properly acknowledge all those permutations.

For example, Kyouko pops up pregnant at several points... even if the actions you took mean that Mamoru never had sex with her at any time. This is especially noticeable with Ncrdrg's pure love harem guide... but it's hardly the only consistency issue that this VN has where characters reference things that haven't happened. Or if they did, they happened off-screen with all sorts of dubious implications about the narrative.

The other big issue, at least for me, is how detached the gameplay parts are from the story. What I mean by that is that the chastity shield mechanic is more of an excuse for divine intervention than anything, and very rarely does the way it works involve the girl herself actively defending herself. (In fact, the only example I remember off the top of my head is Saya smacking Jouji with a piece of wood... every other time it pops up, it's usually someone/something else interfering or the girl just not running into the problem that she should have run into at all.) It's extra bad with Kotone, where she's absolutely definitely getting fucked at the Feast, because she can't refuse, it just doesn't have any impact on her for whatever reason while the heart shields are up.

Then there's the fact that the game explains absolutely fuck all in terms of how any of its mechanics work, which means that without a guide, you'll likely spend at least some time save scumming to check things out. They're not actually terribly complex, but figuring things out can be a tad tedious. Especially since you also have to balance it out with keeping track of all the triggers for events and whatnot...

Moving on... I have to say that I'm genuinely confused about who this game is intended for. As in, the story is interesting enough to be sure, even if it's basically a soap opera with tons of smut if you look too hard at it... but. Most of the HCGs, over 50% of them, are between the MC and the various girls that appear in the game. On top of that, all of the game over endings are extremely half-assed and leave enough plot-holes to drive a tank line through them on top of lacking true finality in a lot of ways. There's never a point of no-return with any of the events outside of any of the main girls getting pregnant, and as long as you prevent that point, there's nothing stopping you from having them jump on every dick imaginable and then some if you can manage things properly. Sure, there's some events that force impregnation, but they're few and far in between. (Most of them are with Saya, unsurprisingly.)

On top of that, some of the worst endings are only accessible if you REALLY aim for them and make choices that are extremely out of character for the people involved. Like Kotone's ending with Shinohara, you have to intentionally aim for that one...

Hell, there are even Game Over endings that could easily be spun into good endings depending on the details, like the SayaxShinji ending... which still has a number of things in it that don't make any sense on account of Kyoko being Saya's best friend and all that jazz...

There's also no Game Over endings where any antagonist or more of them end up with two or more of the girls. It's only Mamoru that gets to fuck multiples, and of course, all of them. The guy gets the most pregnant sex out of everyone in the entire VN. Indeed, all of the love endings involve pregnant sex at some stage or another.

From where I'm sitting, for a VN that a lot of people say is focused on NTR, this whole thing has very little actual NTR in it. At the end of the day, as far as I'm concerned, NTR is the whole process, that finishes with a break and betrayal that can never be repaired... and this VN doesn't have that much of it in it. There's very few points where you could absolutely say that the MC can't still fix things with the girl of his choice, even if you ignore all the plot-holes around whichever game-over situation they had there which would either make it impossible or would make it fixable or whatever... The SayaxFunaki ending, where she kills Funaki when he threatens Mamoru because even after everything she still wants Mamoru's kid the most, is an excellent example of what I mean here... It's supposed to be a NTR ending... but there's no reason why things couldn't work out between Saya and Mamoru in the long run anyway after that... Both of Ririko's NTR endings have her loving Mamoru more than anything else and she never has any kids other than his after the first one. It's more like she makes her own male harems than anything else...

In any case, one thing that bothered me about the whole thing was Mamoru. I'll give the writers props for avoiding the majority of the dumb MC cliches that often appear whenever the word NTR is on the table... but it also feels like they wanted to have a bunch of cakes and eat them too. They couldn't decide if he's chad destroyer of pussy (like in certain scenes with Saya where he fucks her all night and makes her cum so many times she completely loses track of how many times she came) or if he's a virgin fuck-boy that cums from a girl touching him a little (like a number of scenes with Ririko). Sometimes he's oddly perceptive, and sometimes he's so absurdly dense that even the theoretical physics of black holes wouldn't explain this level of density. It makes him wildly inconsistent and makes him feel like less of a character and more of a plot device to generate smut of various types depending on which girl he's with at any given time. (Also, fun fact, out of all the characters in the game, he's the one to spout the infamous Get Pregnant! line and variations of it the most. XD)

I'll give them props for Shinohara though, he's an excellent villain with just enough moments of humanity in him (during Ririko's route in particular) to show that he's a person, while also being so complete utter scum that you can't help but smile whenever something bad happens to him and things don't go his way. Though, I do think that it's a weird choice that all the endings focused on him are basically impossible to get without twisting characters into a pretzel and intentionally aiming for utter stupid. Ikki's pretty hateable too, but he's at least not a total sore loser like Shinohara...

That said, there's absolutely NO ONE sane in this VN... None. Nil. Nada. Well. Ok. Shinji might count as mostly sane, and surprisingly, so does Kotone. Most of her issues stem from being trained to be a super prostitute and bathed in so much aphrodisiac that she naturally emits the stuff as part of her scent. Under those circumstances, she's the most understandable of the girls to me. On the other end of the spectrum, for me, is Saya, who's SO dumb you have to wonder how the fuck this woman can actually do any work whatsoever. I've met extremely trusting people before, but she takes it to ridiculous extremes for someone that's supposedly skilled enough to work as the head of a wealthy family. Ririko... well... play her love route. Her ending explains a lot about her issues, though she's definitely not really sane either.

Lastly. I will say that one of the reasons why I played this is because I saw the CG-set for it a good while ago somewhere else. At the time, I'd only seen the description of the VN, and thought that Kotone was Saya's actually daughter and that Ririko or Yukino has to be the MC's sister. The resemblance between Kotone and Saya is seriously uncanny... at least, until you think about the whole relationship between the Kamishiro family and the village. My pet theory is that Kotone is the daughter or granddaughter of one of the Kamishiro women given to village. It wouldn't surprise me if she was a niece or cousin of Saya's... and that'd explain a lot of things tbh.

But. Enough about all this. I'm honestly surprised that more people haven't been discussing the story or characters for this one. There's a lot more to it than a lot of other games on this site... but eh. What do I know? At least I had a pretty good time with it... even if the translation still leaves a lot to be desired. GPT-4 is indeed a massive improvement, but this still would benefit a lot from a massive editing pass. There's only so many times I can see Funaki/Mamoru/etc calling Ikki my husband before it stops being funny and starts being annoying... and there's plenty more where that came from...


New Member
Jul 4, 2018
thx, the walkthrough is very helpful, but is there a way to save the check box that has been checked so that when you open the file again the check box isn't empty again?
After having ran into the same issue as dnyg_mi, I've actually made the edit to the html file so that the checkboxes are saved to the localStorage aswell as updated it so that you can now also click the labels to tick the checkbox for each, rather than having to click only on the checkbox itself.

No unfortunately. As to whether this can be done, technically yes but it would require a rewrite of the attributes of the checkboxes to accommodate a Javascript and utilize some sort of storage like localstorage. Not something that is going to be available in the near future if I am to do it for sure, but if someone else is up to the task feel free to do so.

So for the most part the scenes can be split into 3 categories: MC storyline, MC true love and MC NTR, with Yukino, Kyoko and Harem following after. The storyline scenes will always start first for each MC in the gallery, followed by true love then NTR that can be identified with netorare (寝取られ) in the title, always ending with the NTR pregnancy notification scene.

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As you didn't mind if someone else did this, I thought I'd actually share it.

Main bug I've ran into is that when clicking on a label is that another checkbox also gets highlighted, this is mainly due to how I implemented the labels for all (find/replace all on some of the html tags). But think I've fixed them all, if not most.
It however does not check the other checkbox, so it's only a visual bug.

I haven't exactly had the chance to test whether everything else is working fine, but am willing to make further edits for whenever I get the time.

EDIT / UPDATE!: Due to how localStorage works for the file:// protocol, I have added a button to delete the localStorage data that stores the checkbox values, this is all the way at the top of the HTML file with a small explanation above the button, use it after you're done.
Last edited:


Jan 24, 2021
Do you mean Locale Emulator?

Tried this and didnt work?

EDIT: nevermind,to make it work you need to run
LEProc.exe pathTo\Oyakorankan.exe
how were you able to run it through LEProc?
LEProc.exe just opens a note's page for me
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Oct 26, 2017
Are they any other games similar to this style(Not exact) that has a mother/son relationship? Tsumamigui 3 is the only direct relation to it right? So l am looking for more. VN or anything other
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