I like BDSM and torture, but that must be done in moderation. Rolepaying in sex is fun but there creator went little to far with direct violence. Temptation, sugestion and illusion of choices for subject of bondage/torture is better than pure sadism. Somethimes that is more fun than pure release of emotions. Awainting situations, witholding lashes, and playing with exceptations is good part of BDSM plays.
In game part i am little sad. There is no choices, what pains me. As kinetic novel with extreme good graphics and rather good story is worth playing, but i like choices, that makes games more interesting. I dont know comics, only game, so i cant judge things, but i suggest more fragments about development of sub-dom relationships, rather than extreme content. There is lesbian part and many people will be interested in that, but for me, male with domination preferences this is not best. If you can in future create something like diferent branches with content for male and female partners i will be in heaven.
I read that was graphics from Honey Select? I beg you, can you tell from where you found such mods with such content? My mods never have such wonderfull parts.
I will awaiting next versions. I dont know how much work you must done to make game, but i know how much heart you put in. Salute.