One of most important reasons i can withstand this game harsh story is non club relation girls and their stories. And those are Hana and Mina... Espacily Hana was amazing... I realy love her but looks like with this update im gonna lose one of my reasons... I realy love to have path she was just bartender and not start doing things with this club... I dont want think about it but this thing feels like lead Hana lots of club related dirty things on hand of MRS Pulman and i dont want that... She is not so damn pure but she is not dirty slut and having character like her feels good inside of all this dirty things... I was half happy with this update until this part but now im prety disappointed to see we gonna lose divercity and im concerned about what gonna happen next... I mean seriously DEV... Why you need involve all girls to club? Is it nececary? She was pretty good with her neutral role, she was in club but not involved with dirty things... That was good. You dont need involve every girl to damn club, plus this gonna make story boring. Having different girls is gives far more better variation to game.
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While I can see your point of view, I have to disagree with where it is going. You seem to underestimate the personalities created by the Devs and the influence of us players on the final stuation at the future game end.
As for Hana and her relationship with the MC, I made some predictions well before the new update came out. While they are my predictions, i think a couple other longtime fans of Pale Carnations would agree with them. And these predictions are not as bleak as the one you made. Here is a repeat of them for you and I would like to hear yout opiniona bout it.
For Hana´s story I estimate 4 major branches with variants depending on how strongly (or not) corrupted she is at the end.
- One is the pure Love route, which might see the end of club at high purity levels, with the possible mending of fences between Hana and August in addition. No to just slight/medium corruption of Hana (if MC and Hana want to test out a couple things, if they like it).
- Next is a positive Love route with MC and Hana being groomed to be the successors of August and Chuck at PC. There are hints of this if you play the Hana route and talk to August and Chuck often. And it becomes clear that August wants to repair the damage in his relationship with his daughter, he just does not really know how, cue us MCs.
Corruption could range from zero (Hana is shown to be pragmatic and thinking clearly on most things) over some/medium corruption (encouraged curiosity despite not convinced at start) to full corruption, if the MC likes his SO to be a loose cannon in bed.
e.g. testing porn acting (too much hints of it not only for Hana but others as well), girl-girl, sharing/swinging or a couple shifts in PC to see how it is. (while the majority does not, there are, most often hobby, prostitutes who like doing it)
- Another path would be the Dark Love one, Hana and the MC are a devoted couple, but the MC likes Hana to be as uninhibited and slutty as she can be. This path naturally would feature major corruption efforts, like the ones above and additional ones like e.g. Hana "testdriving" August.
- The final path would be two-pronged depending on corruption level. In this storyline MC and Hana would be friends (maybe with benefits) and if Hana stays uncorrupted or just a bit, then MC helps her getting free of PC, in the case of a strongly corrupted Hana she is in PC for longer.