I think in an ideal world we are equals and there's mutual respect, but I feel wherever sex work is involved there's always some exploitation, basically what MC says to Hana. I don't think such an establishment could really work completely fairly, and a lot of that is due to the nature of the patrons - there's a lot of assholes out there, way too many, and even if it's all saints in management if you're a business you can't just do business with respectful, nice guys and people will regularly get hurt. People are individuals, there's various motivations and I'm sure there's all kinds of ways people justify selling their bodies (literally or figuratively) and some of those are more sound than others. However I believe equality and mutual respect can only really happen when there's no valuable money (or favour) exchanged, otherwise it's hard to avoid some level of subordination.
About misogyny, the most unrealistic, and unfair part for me is the one that makes these things work - there's this big dick individual that performs outstanding in everything basically, and literally all women fall for him. There's a progression just to make it feel more natural but it's just more or less a linear and predictable progression. It does kind of portrey women as pretty simple individuals, you do what you do and they will fall for you
there's often some level of resistance but it basically always is superficial and/or temporary, just a mask you need to get through and it doesn't feel hard, maybe somewhat time consuming (well.. realistically.. a week or two, that's very little?).
Secondly I'm not sure and I would be curious what women think - the seemingly logical motivations and explanations these women have to explain why they are there willingly seem very convenient, feels like to soothe our conscience. Can't help but think in RL a lot of prostitues have similar motivations (povery, and/or manipulated by some asshole) and that can be kind of off-putting to me. Staying at the RL example, looking just at the ethnicities seems to confirm this largely nd there's a lot that you don't see at first sight.
These stories are made for men, probably by men. Was just thinking the other day how one-sided this point of view is and I'm fairly sure it's VERY. I would genuinely be curious if some teams would include a considerable woman influence in writing (50% or more), how different the story would be. Sure if guys are target audience we have to get our gratification, but how different the stories, characters, dialogues, reactions, the whole path to it would be?