Dr. Mick

Nov 21, 2017
Hopefully Edwin can give her his undivided attention. I am starving for a full Kat scene since, I don´t know, the birthday gift in week 2?
Is that what the "gift" led to, a scene with Kat? I'm even more glad I rejected it now. I initially did it to save the poor girl Kat had hanging from the ceiling, but if it also meant avoiding Kat getting any pleasure out of it that's even better.
The way I see it, the avalanche has already started. Kathleen is planning to rock the Club to its core as part of whatever her scheme is, so the Club is changing one way or the other. The MC's only vote is to nudge things in a particular direction by pushing in the right place at the right time. That could have a wide range of possible outcomes, from new leadership to a new 'business' model all the way to shuttering the Club entirely, but things will not remain as they have been.

Assuming the Club survives this upcoming crisis in one form or another, presumably we will also have a choice about whether the MC stays for the long haul or leaves once the drama is over, but I definitely think there could be ways for the MC could burn the Club down (literally or figuratively) and get away with it during the confusion.
Really looking forward to seeing how this goes. I'm hoping that the MC will have a hand in influencing the outcome of what Kat is planning so that it blows up in her face. Be even better if Chuck somehow gets dragged down with her; perhaps through a connection with the scientist and his "assistant".
Maybe the recently completed Kath scene is TD new favorite because they finally got an excuse to use the Firestarter trait! :HideThePain:
If it means they get to set something of Kat's on fire, then I'm all for it.


Engaged Member
Sep 20, 2018
I mean there could be an ending where he "burns down the club"....but gets away with it? That I doubt... and for sure he won't get away with it and then have a happy ending with anybody who has been involved with it at all.... like would nobody think to go check with Edwin's mom after he disappears after a fire? Not his best friend Ian, or his "mentor" Chuck? Not his potential girlfriend or her gansgter dad that employed him? Do they all just assume he died in the fire? Or does literally anybody who has ties to the illegal sex club (even people Edwin likes) die in the fire?

I think sticky fingers is more likely to get us to a "shut the club down and get away with it ending" maybe by stealing some of the (likely) illegal experimental drugs that Kath is using to experiment on unwilling or uninformed humans? But like dolfe67 said I don't think the traits (even Firestarter) will be used ONLY to get an exclusive ending (one that most people could see as potentially the "correct" choice).

Maybe the recently completed Kath scene is TD new favorite because they finally got an excuse to use the Firestarter trait! :HideThePain:
I think you misunderstand what I'm saying. The MC won't be blamed for destroying the Club because it will have very nearly disintegrated all on it's own thanks to Kathleen's nuclear gambit. We'll likely have opportunities to influence how the carnage plays out by siding with different factions at various opportunities, but to the outside observer the MC will very much look like the little fish rather than the main instigator.

Unless we make a direct bid to control things ourselves, of course; presumably that will be a possibility, but I doubt the MC would try such a thing if all he wants to do is shut the whole thing down immediately afterwards.
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Active Member
Apr 18, 2020
I think you misunderstand what I'm saying. The MC won't be blamed for destroying the Club because it will have very nearly disintegrated all on it's own thanks to Kathleen's nuclear gambit. We'll likely have opportunities to influence how the carnage plays out by siding with different factions at various opportunities, but to the outside observer the MC will very much look like the little fish rather than the main instigator.

Unless we make a direct bid to control things ourselves, of course; presumably that will be a possibility, but I doubt the MC would try such a thing if all he wants to do is shut the whole thing down immediately afterwards.
I think we have a diffrent view on what Kats gambit is/will mean. IIRC she says that she's going to be risking everything to Edwin but I took that as a "if I get caught I'll be voted out/removed" rather than "if this goes wrong somehow the club will literally burn down".

Would you mind sharing any idea about what you think her gambit could be? Not even detailed but moreso just in scope because I struggle to think of anything she can do that would risk the "whole club" instead of her personally while still logically serving her goals.

Even an outlandish and silly plan like kathleen killing both Chuck and August on stage during the finale doesn't really cause enough panic/distraction for Edwin?

Edit: The drugs she's been testing with Van Doren seem like the obvious choice for the gambit but that again doesn't really "burn the Club down" or even change anything other than people will be more aroused lol.

The Senior Perv

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2022
Dev Diary 81.png

Dev Diary 81

TD here, coming off the top rope with a dev diary.

Currently Ch4Up5 sits at 2,091 statics, 61 animatons, and 39,152 words.

That means 226 statics, 10 animations, and 4,873 words have been added to the project since the last report.

Things are wrapping up with the big Kathleen scene for this update. The image work might be finished today or should be finished tomorrow. Either way, we'll be breaking ground on the big multi-character event that will be the final feather in the update's cap.

In other news, I've taken to learning some rudimentary video editing so that we can better integrate sound into our scenes. It's been a lot of fun! That's part of my love of developing an AVN; it asks a lot of different things from you and learning is its reward. But yeah... expect some nasty noises from our work with Kat.

Welp, I'll end it here.

Thank you so much for your interest and support.


Engaged Member
Nov 11, 2022
View attachment 4014023

Dev Diary 81

TD here, coming off the top rope with a dev diary.

Currently Ch4Up5 sits at 2,091 statics, 61 animatons, and 39,152 words.

That means 226 statics, 10 animations, and 4,873 words have been added to the project since the last report.

Things are wrapping up with the big Kathleen scene for this update. The image work might be finished today or should be finished tomorrow. Either way, we'll be breaking ground on the big multi-character event that will be the final feather in the update's cap.

In other news, I've taken to learning some rudimentary video editing so that we can better integrate sound into our scenes. It's been a lot of fun! That's part of my love of developing an AVN; it asks a lot of different things from you and learning is its reward. But yeah... expect some nasty noises from our work with Kat.

Welp, I'll end it here.

Thank you so much for your interest and support.
That's Jessica from Ripples, right? :unsure:


Engaged Member
Sep 20, 2018
View attachment 4014023

Dev Diary 81

TD here, coming off the top rope with a dev diary.

Currently Ch4Up5 sits at 2,091 statics, 61 animatons, and 39,152 words.

That means 226 statics, 10 animations, and 4,873 words have been added to the project since the last report.

Things are wrapping up with the big Kathleen scene for this update. The image work might be finished today or should be finished tomorrow. Either way, we'll be breaking ground on the big multi-character event that will be the final feather in the update's cap.

In other news, I've taken to learning some rudimentary video editing so that we can better integrate sound into our scenes. It's been a lot of fun! That's part of my love of developing an AVN; it asks a lot of different things from you and learning is its reward. But yeah... expect some nasty noises from our work with Kat.

Welp, I'll end it here.

Thank you so much for your interest and support.
Yay, new numbers! TD already gave us the raw totals, but he and GIL have completed an average of roughly 75 statics, 3.3 animations and 1624 words per week since the last Dev Diary 21 days ago. Overall, that gives them an average of ~93 statics, 2.7 animations and 1746 words per week since work on Chapter 4 Update 5 began. Here are the charts for Week 22:
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Looks like we're approaching the final lap, though this is a big course so we still have a while to wait. But I'm very eager to see what hints we can get about this big multi-character extravaganza - and obviously to play it eventually, too. As for the improved sound effects, not going to lie, I'm pretty nervous about it. I rarely like sound effects in lewd scenes, and I just as rarely have the stomach for Kathleen's take on a lewd scene. So this could have some major squick potential. Still, you can't win them all; as long as they're hooked up to the sound sliders in the Settings menu, all will be will.

And now for a completely random aside. I opened the game's Settings menu while writing this, just verify the term used. While there I thought I accidentally clicked one of the buttons, at which point I realized I have no clue what the different 'Skip' buttons actually mean! :oops: That made it very hard to work out what I might have done.
Opening an older copy of the game, I realized that while the buttons themselves are the same, the labels they used to have were apparently removed when the image of the girls was enhanced. The original image was glaringly bright so the change was a good one, but could we get the labels back?


New Member
Jun 22, 2024
Not yet but that is the mother of all Damocles swords to have hanging over the MC, just waiting to drop. The MC was right when he said that neither he nor Hana are ready for a proper relationship and Ian was right when he said that when this doesn't work the MC would still have to work with Hana. So I figured it was the best for the MC to just promise to be there for her but to leave it as a open relationship than committing to being her boyfriend...it just seems like the best course of action for everyone.
I just finished the current update, and even when I told Felicia that Hana is my gf she said something like "that will probably go up in flames". Which I hope it doesn't mean that HANA will cheat or do something to the player because if so... she's getting bodied after all the good times I had to say no to.


Dec 15, 2023
I just finished the current update, and even when I told Felicia that Hana is my gf she said something like "that will probably go up in flames". Which I hope it doesn't mean that HANA will cheat or do something to the player because if so... she's getting bodied after all the good times I had to say no to.
I don't think that it means that at all...but if you are on the paths for a bunch of the other girls the MC cheating on Hana is just about unavoidable and she will not take that well when she finds out...THAT will blow up in your face. Personally I would not give up on Mina for Hana, no way...plus I like the arrangement with Felicia too. I have no interest in the game starting to add up cheating points in the background for every time I fool around outside of the club.


Active Member
Apr 18, 2020
brothel game, so the girls in the game are mostly prostitutes?
Depends on how "cucky" about it you want be about it for lack of a better term.

Like girls on screen? (With no regards to if they have route) yes all but like 2-5 girls and at this point only 1 main girl you interact with are somehow involved in the club

Girls that are LI? Objectively no none of the LI are prostitutes whose normal job is to suck dick for cash.

Girls that are LI viewed from a less reasonable angle: 3 of the 5 (or 6) """""""main girls"''""'""" are prostitutes (being compensated to enter the sex club as a "willing participant")

Girls that are LI viewed from someone sadly fragile: every single one of the girls is a dirty whore, 3 are involved in the competition, 1 runs it, 1 is a bartender there (who even is forced to dress slutty! The whore!), and 1 basically lies to everyone she meets and wants to be "messed up sexually"!!!!1

Obviously feel free to play regardless of which camp you are in but the lower you go down the list the higher your chances of us shitting on you is (assuming you post about it) :HideThePain:


Feb 13, 2021
it's a club where we have sharing content, right? pls no, thanks
If by "sharing" you mean, the love interests get fucked by other people, so far, the answer is no, there's a threesome you can have with one of the girls and your best friend, which you can choose if you want to do it or not.


Forum Fanatic
Jun 19, 2022
If by "sharing" you mean, the love interests get fucked by other people, so far, the answer is no, there's a threesome you can have with one of the girls and your best friend, which you can choose if you want to do it or not.
Technically Killian can also fuck Rose instead of MC all on his own for the video, and the girl who loses competition in the first week gets to serve as a target of a bukkake party. Both are more or less avoidable, but they are there. Oh, and Edwin can have two MMFs with Killian: either with Rose or Felicia.

Oh, Edwin can also play wingman for Veronica and she winds up having sex with a random girl.


Active Member
Apr 18, 2020
Technically Killian can also fuck Rose instead of MC all on his own for the video, and the girl who loses competition in the first week gets to serve as a target of a bukkake party. Both are more or less avoidable, but they are there.

Oh, Edwin can also play wingman for Veronica and she winds up having sex with a random girl.
FWIW those are under sometimes up to 5 choices (have to be friends with Vero (which itself requires a fair amount of choices), have to want to hang out with her, have to decide to go to the club, have to decide to help her out instead of helping her and MC out)

Considering the type of people who need that question answered though that might as well be "FORCED CUCKTENT" :cry:

Edit: while not really sharing Hana (under player choice) can talk about her time with a famous musician and how she enjoyed it.....does that count for these people? I can't keep track of if stuff before the story counts or not :HideThePain:
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Feb 13, 2021
Technically Killian can also fuck Rose instead of MC all on his own for the video, and the girl who loses competition in the first week gets to serve as a target of a bukkake party. Both are more or less avoidable, but they are there. Oh, and Edwin can have two MMFs with Killian: either with Rose or Felicia.

Oh, Edwin can also play wingman for Veronica and she winds up having sex with a random girl.
Oh I always forget about the Bukakke scene, I had my eyes on the Goth girl since I started, so I didn't see that scene in my first playthrough because I decided to go and hang out with Hana lol.

When you say killian can fuck rose you mean in the second exhibition right? I didn't count that because the player can just avoid that by being the one that fucks Rose.

And if he counts playing wingman for Veronica for her to smash a cute girl as "sharing", when Veronica isn't even our GF, then he'll prob won't enjoy the game anyway lol. (All of this can also be avoided by choosing the other option anyway)
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Aug 24, 2024
View attachment 4014023

Dev Diary 81

TD here, coming off the top rope with a dev diary.

Currently Ch4Up5 sits at 2,091 statics, 61 animatons, and 39,152 words.

That means 226 statics, 10 animations, and 4,873 words have been added to the project since the last report.

Things are wrapping up with the big Kathleen scene for this update. The image work might be finished today or should be finished tomorrow. Either way, we'll be breaking ground on the big multi-character event that will be the final feather in the update's cap.

In other news, I've taken to learning some rudimentary video editing so that we can better integrate sound into our scenes. It's been a lot of fun! That's part of my love of developing an AVN; it asks a lot of different things from you and learning is its reward. But yeah... expect some nasty noises from our work with Kat.

Welp, I'll end it here.

Thank you so much for your interest and support.
how do updates work ?
will the next update be focused on only kathleen
4.90 star(s) 492 Votes