So... after hesitating on playing this... couldn't tell you why, really... I jumped the gun today.
With so many releases, I settled in for a whole night of playing. Got the good whisky out and all...
What... wait a minute... it's over already? :: Sad Whimpers ::
Yeah, it's good, very good even, this very, very small appetizer. Can you bring the MAIN Course now? Better bring 3 of those, if this is the size of the servings...
By Heimdal's Red Whiskers, and Odin's Lost Eye, I wanted a FEAST, got a sample of miniature finger foods.
Now, let's be real.
JigglyStone - Fero Seele compliments of this quite good game and story. It really feels small because it is so fucking good.
I wish you all the best. This was indeed a very nice time I used with this story.