whats the sequenceThere's a button sequence for a quite intensive treatment from the machine
whats the sequenceThere's a button sequence for a quite intensive treatment from the machine
For the big sequence: bottom, top, middlewhats the sequence
That sly lil minks name Amanda is Waifu Material indeedFor the big sequence: bottom, top, middle
New in v015.
Clues Game 2
The Case of the Lover's Leap
The Grocery Case
Small Talk Game / Anna Date
The Race Photo Chalenge
Banging Amanda
Handjob from Anna
Brute force finds two solutions:I think I've found a bug in the new version, this should be a valid solution to the store queue puzzle, but the game does not accept it
For the big sequence: I assume is the order of the questions and tried that and nothing. Any clue, please?For the big sequence: bottom, top, middle
New in v015.
Clues Game 2
The Case of the Lover's Leap
The Grocery Case
Small Talk Game / Anna Date
The Race Photo Chalenge
Banging Amanda
Handjob from Anna
Successfully solve Case of Lovers Leap, but there is another way, too.How do you go about banging Detective Amanda? or is it just the Blowjob scene for now.
Look out the window late at night after you have solved at least four cases (successfully). Also, after Penny has come back to insert herself in your life.. and also, after you have picked up at least 4 clues toward the second clues game.What are the requirements to trigger the lovers leap case? I had it trigger randomly on an old save I believe but I haven't come across it in the provided save file.
i tested it on PC and android. What version are ya on? Also, if you have a keyboard, try those controls if you can, rather than screen.Changelog pls?
(btw the racing so so god damn bugged it's unplayable, the phototaking mechanic is irritating, and most of the cars are invisible)
Playing v0.15 and I am using a keyboard to play, but I've gotten pass the thingy by spamming spacebar so gg lmaoi tested it on PC and android. What version are ya on? Also, if you have a keyboard, try those controls if you can, rather than screen.
Have you been to the ship yet?im a bit confused what to do next, the to do list doesnt really update, just tells me to peep. Also cant figure out what to do with rita and the aliens, i cant even ask her about it.
Somewhere in this thread, someone posted a spoiler. I'll give you a hint. On the bottom row, all the pieces are horizontal, except for the one on the far left.How in blazes do I solve the pipes puzzle?!