fuckmymamarunnin &
Salminar: Sorry for wall of text in advance (scroll to end if don't want to read).
Both of you are in the right to ask for what you want. I appreciate you Salminar for the defense and you are correct about trying to fix problems that have existed since the beginning of the game's development. fuckmymamarunnin is also correct that new content for this game is long overdue. Below I will summarize what has happened and what's going to happen next with this game.
I found this game when it was in 0.14, at that time the game's story ended at the hospital and the corrupted paths were limited to just the church event and club (hospital ended with Farah infecting Serra). The English in the game was understandable but had issues with the using the correct words for things (you could tell it was not his first language). Lastly the game was extremally basic, combat consisted random encounters with enemies that are either just using the basic attack or spamming seduce on you till you die and there were no animations, sound effects or music other than the ones in combat.
Saefix knew of these problems but didn't have the time or resources to address most of them, he only worked on the game 1-2 hours a night if lucky. Since then he has managed to get better English translations.
I joined Saefix's Patreon so that I could more easily contact him. I began relaying Issues I found and even common problems that people on this board had posted. We had some disagreements as well as things that he fully did agree with me on. I'm not sure but I felt that my conversations with Saefix helped inspire him to work on the game more.
After the last story update Saefix ran into writer's block, he then decided to make a prequell game about Serra's sister Remi (this may be due to all my questions about her) in hopes that when he finished it that his writer's block for the main game would be over.
In a pleasant but unexpected turn Saefix decided to move the game to the newer RPG Maker MZ and remake the game with higher quality CGs and tiles for the maps. In order to help learn the new system he started making his prequel game in the new MZ. Unfortunately Saefix got sick (I didn't know how bad till later). and all work on both games came to a screeching halt.
I stayed in contact with Saefix as best as I could but he literally dropped of the Internet for a few months. When he finally came back online (last December) I found out that he had jaundice and the doctors were able to treat it but didn't know yet if they could cure it (I still don't know if they can or did).
I offered to help Saefix by taking the CGs and story he has finished but not implemented and add them into the game, he agreed. I began adding the new content and then my family and I got into a car accident (end of last February), this has caused me massive delays in everything I had planned. I am almost over all of events and processes and will be fully back on track in about a month or end of this month.
Seafix seems to still be back and working on CGs for the game but I have not reached out to him because I want what he game me to be fully ready first.
CURRENTLY: The changes and fixes I have made and am making are to fix issues that have been present since the beginning AKA to make a better game. I understand that some people just want to get the story and don't care much about the gameplay but this IS A GAME, so fixes do need to be made.
fuckmymamarunnin I am sorry to say but the current story additions are for the prequel game NOT the Main game. Both games are being merged into a single game with the prequel being password protected (Patreon members will get the PW).
I know this is not what you want to hear but it's the truth.
Saefix may have new CGs that pertain to the main game's story but again I am not sure since I haven't reached out, again all I know is that he has made more CGs.
UPDATE EDIT: Almost done with Chinese Restaurant maps (yes plural) will post pics tomorrow.