
I trolled so N7 could soar.
Respected User
Former Staff
Jul 19, 2017
I don't even know what to believe anymore.
Would've been here literally 5 minutes after it dropped if it did.

Come on now don't be dumb just because someone else is.


I like to be conviently dumb. Works wonders with women. Gals just like to explain things and I just like to spread my seed like a good farmer.


Apr 25, 2017
On discord.
Maybe I mis-read it but this was on there today.

Wolf3DX-Today at 6:09 PM

Soon-ish since chap 5 came today :3
ut1stgear-Today at 3:03 PM

He has two downloadable versions. One for Real Daughter and one for Adopted Daughter. The online version is Adopted Daughter only and Patgreon seems fine with that for some reason.
They were talked about DFD. Palmers game.
Palmer is able to stay on patreon because he submits all of his writing to patreon and has them ok it before he starts working on it. And he only sends them the online version because for whatever twisted reasoning patreon is ok with an adopted daughter but not an actual daughter


Sep 20, 2017
They were talked about DFD. Palmers game.
Palmer is able to stay on patreon because he submits all of his writing to patreon and has them ok it before he starts working on it. And he only sends them the online version because for whatever twisted reasoning patreon is ok with an adopted daughter but not an actual daughter
If it's good enough for Woody Allen (fuck Woody Allen), it's good enough for Patreon.


Oct 4, 2017
Plenty of adults in the real world look short or childlike. Having Luxee remove Ada because she looks a child is like throwing someone in jail because their 18+ significant other looks younger than 18
You miss understood me. She does not look 'to short', height is one of the most variable human attributes. Her 'head size' (aka Skull) is to small to be an adult. Her arm girth is to thin to be an adult. This is simple bone mechanics, not just the length of her legs. Brain / skull and Head size isn't that variable for adults.
She does not look 'to young' either. Compare with older sister who for all purposes may be 13 and still gets a pass or any Honey select based game out there with flat-chest lolis.

If in trouble or doubt this is how you get convicted for 'virtual child erotica'. Head / nose size, face and body proportions yada yada.

just increase the model size by 10% therefore make everything (!) increase in MASS and voila!

TL; DR: Her bone proportions look like she is still growing not the meat packaging around them.
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Oct 4, 2017
I AM turned on by the taboo nature of it...
Not gonna trash talk your kinks. Just saying taboo is a social construct and depending on where you live, sex between unmarried adults may be taboo. I could make you a game set in saudi-arabia, 'dating my neighbour's daughter' and have exactly the same character progression as in DMD and other run of the mill incest game. And also niqab, because dude, why else would i make this game? Yet, It wouldn't tickle me as much.

People will still commit incest if it was legalized because love and affection are what drive people together. trauma (family crashdown), lack of partners (prudes!) may cause 'abnormal' behaviour as a coping mechanism. loss and loneliness may create love. your daughter / sister may chose you after a break up just as probably as 'random encounter 4325'.

People, in general, no matter how sure, test the waters before diving in....
I agree, however: 'daughter' in 'Parental Love' had years to come to terms with the idea and 'dad' and 'aunty' crossed that point after his divorce from wifey.
Offer yourself to the possibility that people are ready to commit incest with you, long before you get the idea yourself but keep a low profile until YOU send FIRST signals because risk / reward is rigged to their disadvantage and will jump on it immediately. If any incest-lover needed to be corrupted how the hell did the fetish exist in the first place?
Some people engage in casual incest (teenagers anyone?) without any long lasting consequences, relationships or prior thought process and others just pray to the all mighty Taboolator in the internet to grace us with his powers.
Dau in PL is not a shameless harlot, just a girl who can finally love what she couldn't have for years (a dad). Its not illogical. She may engage you even if you refuse her at some point.

ALL Games assume you are the center of the universe and the ultimate corruptor (curse you, Main Character perspective). PL's daughter is a refreshing deviation from that idea and assumes, that sometimes the universe corrupts people for you. You know, like with real people?

Now, That would be a game i want to play. Spend time and grind to get her to do IT and now she gets reverse trauma / change of perspective.

So it annoys me when otherwise good games scrap the build up to that leap, as filler.
Please take note, how i am casually ignoring the entire Gamist approach on how to create an immersive game, bind users to product and so on. Yeah buildup makes emotional investment, emo-invest makes money invest. So it should be in there.

Nonetheless, Some people consider sex a normal interaction between people no buildup necessary only consent and opportunity.
Sometimes you just wanna have some good 'ol wish fullfilment and release. Google differences between porn and a romance novel. Games cater to different needs and expectations.
People who play Glassix, Corruption, Resesrch into Corruption, or Family Values aren't in there for the emotional investment and cunning story but the variety of debauchery.

My personal beef with ero-games for now are:

So far games fall in the two categories: (1) MC is immoral SCUM and uses drugs / magic or (2) MC is really ashamed and dashingly CHARMING. If MC is female its the other way around: (1) she is a shameless harlot or (2) EVERYONE is a molester and a she is the avatar of CHASTITY.
I like to offer a third way: MC is in love and cool with it and now only needs to convince target character.
Or the reverse: non player characters try to convince the MC. Yeah i know, that sounds like the lazy approach but sometimes i enjoy being serviced.


Nov 23, 2017
Nonetheless, Some people consider sex a normal interaction between people no buildup necessary only consent and opportunity.
Sometimes you just wanna have some good 'ol wish fullfilment and release. Google differences between porn and a romance novel. Games cater to different needs and expectations.
Err, who are these people then? No one gets off without any sort of build up. Maybe they can get it up or get wet simply with the sight of their partner, if they're extremely lucky in that regard, but they're sure as hell not going to have sex merely with the formal notion of "consent" and "opportunity" in play. JoeSmoeDoe had a very important point, that sex is part of a social interaction. Even porn pays homage to this fact whenever there is some lame/small element of roleplay involved, which there always is. Even when the porn is just two people fucking, you have them assume different roles in the scenario. Porn games have the opportunity to take the roleplay element much further, making the sex all that sweeter.

Also, you say earlier that taboo is a social construct, committing the SJW-fallacy of assuming that "social construct = infinitely variable & random". While there are exceptions, anthropologists have found taboos to be relatively stable and global, especially the taboo of incest between siblings or parent/child. There are obvious biological reasons for this.
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Oct 4, 2017
Err, who are these people then? No one gets off without any sort of build up...
I believe, the critic here was not the arousal part, but the pacing in general. Some games have literally none as with classic porn and jump right in after a few lines of character expose. Others like DMD frustrate you for taking longer than an actual date. The latter is even more annoying if it follows a cliche-style narrative.

JoeSmoeDoe had a very important point, that sex is part of a social interaction. Even porn pays homage to this fact whenever there is some lame/small element of roleplay involved...
On that we agree, but i stay on my argument, that you do not always need to playthrough the 'corruption' and 'shame' process of the game but can just declare 'relationship = TRUE', if you dropped enough hints and pointers to make it plausible. PL did this with the sister/aunt chracter. Three lines of text and 3 renders during the mall scene on the mobile phone. By the time the sister character was standing in the door you got exactly what was promised with a few additional renders and lines of text.

TL; DR sometimes you may want to Role-play someone who is already in an established taboo relationship and not do the 'grind to character's heart' mechanic. whether it is 'read a lot of dialogue' or 'count those numbers'.

Most games give me established non-taboo relationships but very few make an effort to present a taboo one. 'Dreaming of Dana' i believe is one of the few exceptions by having a very short 'get together with sister' and the now ongoing 'live with the consequences' part. That makes DoD special and again delivers wish fullfillment or at least an interesting story.

Also, you say earlier that taboo is a social construct, committing the SJW-fallacy of assuming that "social construct = infinitely variable & random".
No, you just committed this fallacy. What i said was: (1) incest and taboo are not linked. People who desire incest do not ultimatively desire taboo and people who desire taboo do not just go for incest because it is taboo.
E.g. in nigeria gay sex is so taboo it carries the death penalty, yet gay people do not get off on the taboo but the gay part and nigeriaan taboo fetishists will not just go for gay sex because its taboo in nigeria.

Therefore the character internal conflict of this taboo is not mandatory for a game. You can throw it in but again: if done the same every time it gets boring and i would rather have nothing then the same as every year.
'Family Values' rediculously starts with defining that moral values do no longer exist, because Apocalypse: and now females are artificially created in speed mode and males are so rare and incloneable, that morals just get in the way of making babies. Not the most elegant writing but at least we got that detriment to debauchery out of the way. Yeah but they still call you dad... funny post-apocalypse...

(2) why are social constructs random? Taboos are by definition social constructs. Incest has been committed among human bands whenever extinction was the alternative and sometimes human bands have practiced it to extinction, which is why we have the moral and legal taboo against it to make a human less likely to chose that path.
Also families are easy to tax so intra-family sex give tax collector and inheritance counsellors headaches. Incest Taboo is one of the most straight-forward and oldest social constructs there is and the practice of incest can be easily spotted in every human's DNA.

There are obvious biological reasons for this.
Incest will most likely happen if other partners are not available among animals. It will and does also happen among humans for that same reason. If your society lacks partners through demographic (war, famine) or for socio-cultural reasons (Prudes or locking mother with their children 24/7 in the same house while dad is 'away') or geography (Live on a farm in nowhere with your sibings/ cousins), incest is very likely so you better smack law codes and gods divine judgement to keep them straight.

If you live in a stable urban center with liberal governments you will most likely never experience a shortage partners or fapping material. Because yes, you can be your own sexual partner which is why we are here.
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Jan 1, 2018
Err, who are these people then? No one gets off without any sort of build up. Maybe they can get it up or get wet simply with the sight of their partner, if they're extremely lucky in that regard, but they're sure as hell not going to have sex merely with the formal notion of "consent" and "opportunity" in play.
I feel like I should point out Tinder. Maybe that's not zero social interaction, but it certainly can be very limited. To be fair, that may be the exception that proves the rule, though.

Also, incest is not 100% illegal everywhere. In fact, there is lots of variability. For reference:

And that MAKES SENSE. We humans are not living in survival mode, so procreation is not an obligation for us, and of course, sex is not solely for the purpose of procreation for us humans. That's actually my biggest beef with Patreon's ban. It assumes that incest is always bad, even between consenting adults. They could have incorporated nuance, but they decided to make it black and white, unnecessarily.


New Member
Oct 7, 2017
We love the game ''NUFF said'' :) i know i did paid his patreon you know why? :) because the work he does and the story line was excellent :)

Cheers to everyone here :)


Forum Fanatic
Jun 18, 2017
Yeah. I hate it when creators abandon their games when so many people like the game and supported them financially.
The dev has a life as well outside of the game, he has to earn a living, I don't think he's ready to abandon just yet, he probably need more patreons though


Engaged Member
Aug 18, 2017
well, if luxee released a new version one time a month he would triplify his patreon income, 4 thousand dollars are a lot of money in most countries

he should hire someone to help him with the renders or code to at least try to reduce development time in half
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