Every time I come back to this game hoping that there's something decent waiting for me, I'm confronted with another dumbshit fight that's needlessly hard for literally no reason at all. A lot of times when I post in a game's thread with a big, long rant about how hard a section is, I'm not being serious. Just venting minor frustration in a funny way.
This time I'm dead serious. Fuck this game. No joke, no hyperbole, no satire. Fuck. This. Game. It's just straight up not worth it. I am not willing to grind out a fight several attempts to try to sus out the OpTiMaL sTrAtEgY in a PORN GAME. PORN. GAME. Again, for those in the back, this is a POOOOOOOOOOOOORN GAAAAAAAAAAAAAME. Not some deeply enriching, rewarding strategy RPG where one would expect and want ridiculously hard boss fights. People play this game to jerk their dick, which is kinda goddamn hard to do when the world controls are straight up dogshit and you're stuck on the same stupid-ass fight for 6 hours. Fuck you, I'll play Breed Lab instead.