how do you trigger that i am not that well versed with twine editor
When you open up the editor, just import the HTML for the game (import from file>select PE.html), open that up. On the bottom right you can search for a word that you think is in the relevant passage, in this case, just search for "Trophy". Scroll down a bit, and you'll see a bunch of those scenes grouped together, the Ashley, Guardian and the Coach endings, and they'll all be highlighted.
To do the Ashley ending, just find the one that says "Ashley Trophy Wife Ending Sc1" (you can just search for that one to go straight to it if you want). When you hover your mouse over the passage, a little menu should appear, one of the buttons is the play button that lets you play the story from there. Which is what you want to click.
Like I said though, since you're starting the story there, it skips the initialization of the variables and a lot of the other inner workings, so all that stuff will be broken. If you just want to see the text, then that's all you need to do.
If you really want all that other stuff to work, or just want to skip to a passage in-game, you can enable Debug mode in the game, and at the bottom is the "Open specific passage" textbox. If you write the name of the passage you want to jump to (In this case it's the one mentioned above), and hit the button underneath you'll jump there with all your variables and the game working just fine.
It's a bit cleaner, and easier, but I'm just lazy and finding the passage in Twine is a bit quicker than getting a new game going to jump to a passage. Just do the second method. Though you'll still have to find the name of the passage, either in the editor like before, or searching the HTML by pressing F-12 in game and trying your luck there.
Hope all that wasn't a bombardment of information. It's all pretty simple (really just a few mouse clicks), I just wrote it all out.