I guess I missed the meeting where we all decided that not being willing to work for free meant you were a whore.
Is that genuinely how you believe other people think about this? That's hard to believe.
The topic is a lot more complex than that (the half-hearted move to SS and them dragging their heels, the incredibly low productivity despite massive income for years, mismanagement in every regard except ensuring their income-stream, really shitty communication, very little content per release for a long time, etc.) nobody even said anything remotely like what you're alleging and I don't think misrepresenting people will lead to anything other than pissing them off.
Here's what I think the general sentiment is: People don't expect them to work "for free." I don't believe anybody here ever seriously demanded that they should have immediately shut down their patreon page either. Their complete lack of trying to actually make the transition (let's be real, it's a completely passive move that's barely even communicated), laziness, bad business practices and, for lack of better words, obvious milking of their paying customers, is what rubs most people the wrong way. Many people think they want the best of both worlds where they motivate people to give them money on SS based on dangling removed content in front of them while doing as little as possible to actually make it happen to keep the income stream from patreon up.
Those opinions don't just form randomly, questions come up and often don't have satisfying answers. For example:
Can you name anything they actually tried to do to actively push people towards SS? Have they mentioned it on patreon and actively tried to encourage people to make the move since 2021-02-28? Can you see any posts of activity on their SS account itself or is it still completely empty?
Don't get me wrong, you can disagree with all of that, you can assume that they have the best intentions in mind and work hard in a completely ethical manner, but you shouldn't make stuff up about other people because they disagree with what you believe.
From my POV no matter what your opinion is on the devs, people obviously have reasons to be upset with them. You can disagree with their validity, but you shouldn't pretend they are something they're not.
TLDNR: Don't lie about others for internet points.
EDIT: clarity