There is a difference though between saying that once and saying it over and over. Just as there is a difference between calling someone out and a witch hunt, as there is a difference between a fair trial before an impartial judge that has all information and a mob lynching somebody

Now if you do not see that difference and also have not seen yet that no dev that was called out in that way ever suddenly started to produce again go ahead, since if he/she is a real cheat he/she will just play the same game under a different name and does not care one iota what you called him/her in the meantime and if he/she is not a cheat you have burned them down so far they will never recover likely.
Brave hero, but are you prepared to live with the burden on your soul that you might have pushed a serious unbalanced person over the edge and into mental agony or worse? Just cause you did not get your game in time to play?
But whatever you do, do not claim to be angry in my name or that you are protecting my wallet from someone i am quite capable of protecting it myself from and form my own opinion about.