ManicMinxy I have very few actual notes on the story. But what I will say is don't rewrite the MC from the beginning. Use your updates to build on the character from passive to aggressive or what have you. Turn him into someone that uses his supposed passiveness against this new family he has and eventually turns them into his "slaves" of sorts. Rewriting from the beginning means the next update will take longer and more people will be pissed off at you, more so than they are right now.
This recent update was pitiful because we got nothing but softcore imagery and subpar storyline. If you don't plan on having anything hardcore, tag this as "Ecchi" and continue as you see fit. If it's not ecchi, your next update should have some meat on its bones. You're not making DMD, where the slow burn proved to be effective, and even then by update 4 or 5 there was plenty of action. People have lost too much interest in your game to care about the slow burn. Just look at your Patreon count if you want the proof.
My recommendation is to lose some of the facial quirks and hand motions. While some are cute, seeing them change in every frame is lost on people that also have to read this story you're putting together. We can stand to look at the same image for a few lines on dialogue and have the image or facial expression change to reflect a dramatic note in the dialogue. Anything more is a waste of our time and yours. Your next update shouldn't be a "morning after" or "mid-afternoon", it should be a day. The next one should be v0.3 with some form of explicit scene (blowjob or fingering...that we are shown)...and this should be with a main character (one of the sisters probably) and not hotel staff.
Take this all into serious consideration. Your character models and story are good enough that we're still talking about it two and a half years since you put the game out. And after a number of updates that I can probably count on one hand, we all still want this game to thrive. Right now, your goal should be regaining your fan base and rebuilding trust with said fan base. And you can do that with the content that you put out.