3.90 star(s) 39 Votes


Aug 9, 2017
I did end up pulling my Patreon support for this one. It was only a token amount but it frees up the money to support underappreciated new developers or those who have games I enjoy and have the schedule thing locked down.

Honestly, most of these developers should change to the release-oriented structure so that Patreons are only charged when a proper update is made (not including next-day hotfixes, of course). That way, devs would have motivation to meet schedules and supporters would be less crabby about going more than a month between updates.

I do like this game and MM seems like a nice person. So, if they can get back on track with a predictable update schedule, I will definitely consider supporting again.
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Darth Sidious

The Senate & Emperor of the First Galactic Empire
Sep 24, 2017
lol I'd say 'thank you for your patience' but too many pulled their Patreon pledges :D Hope Minxy can win them back with future updates because this is a great project. Don't see how it's overly ambitious neither, it seem like a choice based VN like any other, but then I heard something about some sort of free-roam, that's where the magic happens.


Forum Fanatic
Jul 4, 2017
People don't mind waiting. What annoys them is when he says "it will be out on this date" then date rolls around and bugs are found and he says "delay for bugs, it will be out on this date" then that date rolls around and he says "more issues, if it isn't out on this date i'll do it for free" then that date rolls around and it still isn;t out so he changes his mind about the free thing.

If he just said "it will be out when it's ready" problem solved. People aren't waiting on a date and they don't feel lied to 4 times in the space of a week.

Bugs happen, you'll never be ready by a set date even AAA developers with teams of thousands can't promise a bug free game on a set date.

Stop giving dates, just say it will be out when it's out and it takes the pressure off the dev and the removes the lies.


What's the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow
Feb 17, 2018
One other thing: regular communication.

Considering the barbecuing of developers, just on here (a pirate site, the irony!) for missing deadlines AND not saying anything to people, the latter is likely more important than the former.

Otherwise the level of vitriol and judgmental comments become staggering.
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Darth Sidious

The Senate & Emperor of the First Galactic Empire
Sep 24, 2017
I literally didn't know this was a pirating site for ero VNs until Grom told me today :D


Engaged Member
Oct 15, 2016
People don't mind waiting. What annoys them is when he says "it will be out on this date" then date rolls around and bugs are found and he says "delay for bugs, it will be out on this date" then that date rolls around and he says "more issues, if it isn't out on this date i'll do it for free" then that date rolls around and it still isn;t out so he changes his mind about the free thing.

If he just said "it will be out when it's ready" problem solved. People aren't waiting on a date and they don't feel lied to 4 times in the space of a week.

Bugs happen, you'll never be ready by a set date even AAA developers with teams of thousands can't promise a bug free game on a set date.

Stop giving dates, just say it will be out when it's out and it takes the pressure off the dev and the removes the lies.
I think "lies" is a bit of a stretch, don't you think? As far as I know it means to deliberately state something with the direct intent to deceive or falsify. I don't really get that was what MM did in this case. I'd say it was more of a 'moronic under appreciation of effort involved" with a smidge of "pollyana nothing ever goes wrong in software development" thrown in.


Eh, I love people "pulling their pledges" when it's usually just like $1 or something. :rolleyes: As if their little temper tantrum is going to actively somehow convince dev's to continue placing any effort into any further releases when people stop supporting them. It's usually also those same people who then complain when a dev drops the game, and they say "Oh too bad, I really liked it too!"

This doesn't mean I am all for positively reinforcing poor, deliberate behavior (like those who milked badly back in the day), but MM has never struck me as the type to milk people, and look at the amount of effort he has done to make all the renders for the conversations and things. Now if he chronically, and deliberately acted that way sure. *shrugs* To each their own, but all those bitching about 4 deadlines in a week, I don't suppose you have ever promised a boss or partner you'd get to something that week and never did? Eh? If so, did they kick you out or fire you for that one week series of blunders? If not, it's a good thing they didn't have the same mentality you did for your little dollar contribution don't you think? ;)


Forum Fanatic
Jul 4, 2017
This doesn't mean I am all for positively reinforcing poor, deliberate behavior (like those who milked badly back in the day), but MM has never struck me as the type to milk people, and look at the amount of effort he has done to make all the renders for the conversations and things. Now if he chronically, and deliberately acted that way sure. *shrugs* To each their own, but all those bitching about 4 deadlines in a week, I don't suppose you have ever promised a boss or partner you'd get to something that week and never did? Eh? If so, did they kick you out or fire you for that one week series of blunders? If not, it's a good thing they didn't have the same mentality you did for your little dollar contribution don't you think? ;)
I'm ex army, if I blundered people got hurt so no, I didn't make promises I couldn't keep or miss deadlines.

I didn't pull support either, you're aiming your high horse rant at the wrong person. I only said he should perhaps not set deadlines when he missed 4 in a week and didn't seem to learn but you do you.


Jun 26, 2017
You guys complain too much. I'm glad he is letting us know what problems he's running into. As for the release, i would rather play something that is playable than something that is riddled with bugs, I'm looking at you geeski. His last release was great so maybe that's why I'm far more lenient on this developer. Other ones take months and offer releases with tons of bugs and minimal content.


Engaged Member
Aug 18, 2017
like I said, he at least didn't vanish, he never stopped giving feedback to his patrons, so it's ok. Veqvil from love and submission went through a similar situation recently, with the same outcome, overstressed because of the deadline and the game not ready

I hope he learns to stop giving deadlines to updates, this way he doesn't get stressed out and he doesn't annoy his patrons, just state what's the situation, what has been done and what's missing, no deadlines. I think nobody will complain

the best thing is a progress checkmark like what darkhound from holiday island does, this way everyone can have a notion on when an update will come out
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Game Developer
Jul 11, 2017
I used to not give deadlines, but overtime I've been equating when I expect it to come out with when it will come out... It's my mistake.

Also, if you pull your pledge, or think there is not enough updates, that's your prerogative. I personally would only pledge to sites for a short period of time because I always intend on only pledging for a short period of time


Former Staff
Sep 7, 2017
yeah, he posted several hours ago that he's uploading to MEGA but its taking literally all day because of his upload speeds. @ManicMinxy , my dude, promise me you'll optimize your game next time, IIRC everything was 1080P .PNGs last release.
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♥ Ren'Py Fangirl ♥
Sep 18, 2017
The game is probably still uploading as we speak.
Australian Internet strikes again. Even the Internet wants to kill you over there. x'D

3.90 star(s) 39 Votes