3.90 star(s) 39 Votes


Game Developer
Jul 11, 2017
Disjointed from each other or maybe I'm just not seeing the connection between the sauna scene and the massage scene for example. They are there and they somewhat work together, but I don't see a logical connection between the two, they might as well be two completely seperate scenes.
Well Brooke tells you you need to take a shower before the Sauna for some reason... It is a bit too early for a Sauna and also you have to shower twice? I guess the sequence of events does seem less likely and contrived... Hopefully with more events it will seem more natural


Game Developer
Jul 11, 2017
Thank you for all the suggestions, feedback and corrections! I have an exam very soon that I will have to prepare for in the next few days. I'll amend the changes afterwards! This doesn't mean that I will be absent on this thread though! Keep the comments, critiques, and off-colored banter coming !



Feb 4, 2018
8 - How do you split your code ?!?! O-O
Make another file in the ".\game" directory (where "gui.rpy", "options.rpy", "screens.rpy", & "script.rpy" are), name it "whatever_you_want.rpy", and put whatever code you want in it.

Ren'Py will load code from any .RPY (or .RPYC) file in the ".\game" directory, so you can split it up however you want into however many files you want.

If the story is fairly linear, some people will split each day into its own file - "script_day1.rpy", "script_day2.rpy", etc

If it's more of an open world kinda deal, they may split it based on locations - "events_beach.rpy", "events_city.rpy", etc

Just whatever makes sense to you, really. The idea is that instead of having to search through 100,000 lines of code in a single file, you know what file to go to based on what bit of code you're looking for, and then you'll maybe only have 500 lines of code to look through.

On a different note, I'd suggest maybe thinking about how many images you're currently using. The game has almost 3,000 HD scene images. Sounds great initially, but more isn't always better.

I've noticed that (for the most part) you have one image for each line of dialogue, and a character's expression or pose may barely change from one image to the next. Sounds and looks kinda cool in theory, but that's more images for you to render, and it's more used storage space.

I'd suggest one of two things:
- Either cut back on the number of images, only using a new image if someone's pose or expression needs to totally change - Or split the character and the background into two separate images. One with JUST the background, no character, and another (usually a PNG with transparency) of just the character, no background. You can layer the character over the background, and the end result looks identical, but you can reuse the background image for as long as the scene stays the same, only changing the smaller character image when necessary.

Or both. Separate character + background images, and only changing the character image when a significant pose/expression change takes place.

Penfold Mole

Engaged Member
Respected User
May 22, 2017
I want to ask: Does having lots of code and making it super long (like repeating stuff) make the game laggier and buggier?
Not buggier, if there are no bugs. But if there is just one bug that you have copied into every repeating section of the code, then you have to repair it in every repeating section of the code. So, in reality, yes. Bugs may multiply. It also makes it a PITA to fix any bugs. Using calls makes a lot more sense.
Laggier - yes. At least when you start the game. And for the coder - yourself, when you're testing the game, changing the code on the run and reloading (compiling) changed code.

4 - When you say double with a Boolean flag, do you mean below it have another point score thing? Like Eliza_Depoint >= 1: and below it Elizahasfallenasleep >= 1?
Umm, I'm guessing you, as a beginner, are not familiar with boolean flags/variables? Basically, they are logical flags that can have only two values - True or False.
In that example you would create one boolean variable that will indicate what MC said about Eliza sleeping and another one about asking that favor.
In the beginning of the game you set the value of those variables to False and in case MC says that Eliza fell asleep, then you set it to True. And the other one to True when MC is asking that favor.

$ SaidElizaSleeping = True
After, when you want to trigger an event only if the MC said that she has fallen asleep and she has enough dep points, you can combine those two conditions with boolean operators "and", "or", "not":

if Eliza_Depoint >= 1 and SaidElizaSleeping
That condition is true only if there is at least one dep point and SaidElizaSleeping is true. If you want to trigger it only if MC didn't say that Eliza fell asleep, then

if Eliza_Depoint >= 1 and not SaidElizaSleeping
That condition is true only if there is at least one dep point and SaidElizaSleeping is false.

This example is just based on what Anne said earlier, not your actual code. I didn't read it while writing this.

I guess you should read about boolean variables and operations... or/and check out someone else's code and learn from it.
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Active Member
Sep 8, 2017

I absolutely love this game and the direction you have it going. All I can say is Wow!! I'm really wanting Mom now, knowing she has my incest fetish as well...Lol!! All the girls are done damn good, with so different personalities, even the twins....awesome job!

I'm almost guessing that the mysterious chick in the hot tub/pool that we play Adam and Eve with, who won't give us her name. I won't be a bit surprised, if that is the Aunt done early from her job and relaxing.
The question I would have, is does she know who you are prior?? or will it get to be a pleasant surprise later?
Either way, I'm anticipating an awesome update to this, you have me wanting a lot more.....Lol!!

Your doing a good job, keep it up, you've jumped up to the top 5 of my list. Your awesome................Peace!!

anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
I'm so grateful to have such help!
It's the least I can do for someone who gave me so much pleasure this night... with the game he made, obviously :D

I would love to talk to you on discord just to share thoughts and hopefully inquire more about coding...
Sorry, for a lot of reasons, some personals, no discord for me. But feel free to MP me here if you want. And if it can ease you to do it, you'll not be the only one.

I want to ask: Does having lots of code and making it super long (like repeating stuff) make the game laggier and buggier?
@Penfold Mole gave you the answer. I'll just add few things :
At every time, Ren'py have all the code stored in memory, which isn't a problem since even a ten years old computer have enough space to store way more than that. In the same time it mean that there isn't need to load the "next part". Branching to a label is instantaneous. This whatever the number of lines between the code line where you jump/call and the code line where the label is ; and obviously whatever they are on the same file or not.
As for the bugs, like Penfold Mole said, the more you repeat the same thing, the more difficult it will be to correct it. The proof is line 5726 versus lines 6789 & 7852. The same dialog line during the beach sequence, two versions of the sentence. Same for line 5930 versus lines 4867 & 6993
Trying to reunite the code when there's few difference, or difference which can easily be dealt with, and reusing parts of code by calling it, make it easier for you. If there's a typo or a bug, you only have one line to change. It's also easier to test, since the code have no reason to be bug/typo free the first time, and full of bugs/typos the other times.

But the real issue here is your own time. The more you split your code on multiple files and the more "easily readable" you name your label, the faster you'll find the part you are look for.
Back in time, a Senior coder said something which changed my life. I don't remember the exact words, but it was something like : Who cares about naming convention ? Whatever the way you name your functions/variables/whatever and whatever the file you put it in, as long as you understand it yourself. Just give them a name you can guess later, and put them where it seem natural for you. You'll see, at the end of the day you'll be less exhausted than you actually are.
And he was right. Not having to pass 30 seconds, sometimes way more, trying to remember what's the name I'm looking for, then the right part on my code, saved me a lot of energy. And with times it became really natural, "it's named like this and it can only be here". I passed from sometimes 2 minutes trying to find something, to an instant finding.
The difference is the same than walking surrounded by 70yo bikers, and walking surrounded by 20ish girls in short skirts. The second is more pleasurable and seem so easier to do.

1- So should $ outfit = 0 initially? I am still confused on how to make this change...
The default value should be "hot", which is the default outfit. This way it will be crash free even in case of problems, since it's a valid value.
But first, a question (4707->4712):
    label hot:
        jump hotT
    label sexy:
        jump sexyY
    label slutty:
        jump sluttyY
Why this ? Either hotT, sexyY and sluttyY are called just once, and from here. So you can replace the "jump" by the content of the jumped label. No need to have these intermediary labels. It seem to be a thing with you, there's other case like this one, of labels who're just a jump somewhere else.

Now the changes.
Instead of what you have between lines 4704 and 4734, write this:
    label beachtime:
        $ Eliza_DepPoints = 0
        $ outfit = "hot"         # Value by default
        call screen swimsuitsc
    label hot:   # Here it's the default value, nothing to do
        jump lsdkfjalsefjoevbbeobobof

    label sexy:
        if Alexa_Points <= 4 and Mum_Points <= 1 and Twins_Points <= 5 and Hailey_Points <= 1:
            "{b}*You do not have enough points to choose this outfit.*{/b}"
            "{b}*Your affection points: %(Alexa_Points)s out of 7 with Alexa, %(Twins_Points)s out of 10 with Brooke, %(Hailey_Points)s out of 4 with Hailey, and %(Mum_Points)s out of 3 with Maddison*{/b}"
            "{b}*You must have more than 4 out of 7 with Alexa, 5 out of 10 with Brooke, 1 out of 4 with Hailey, and 1 out of 3 with Maddison to unlock this*{/b}"
            jump youdonothaveenough
            $ outfit = "sexy"     # Here it's the sexy outfit
            jump sldfjsdlfeyewryerywryweryery
    label slutty:
        if Alexa_Points <= 5 and Mum_Points <= 2 and Twins_Points <= 7 and Hailey_Points <= 3:
            "{b}*You do not have enough points to choose this outfit.*{/b}"
            "{b}*Your affection points: %(Alexa_Points)s out of 7 with Alexa, %(Twins_Points)s out of 10 with Brooke, %(Hailey_Points)s out of 4 with Hailey, and %(Mum_Points)s out of 3 with Maddison*{/b}"
            "{b}*You must have more than 5 out of 7 with Alexa, 7 out of 10 with Brooke, 3 out of 4 with Hailey, and 2 out of 3 with Maddison to unlock this*{/b}"
            jump youdonothaveenough
            $ outfit = "slutty"   # Here it's the slutty outfit
            jump sdlfsjlekjvewobwoeobejnvei
lines 4735->5797, you replace all the "scene hot (NUMBER)" with :
    scene expression outfit + " (NUMBER)"
lines 5799->7923, you don't need these lines anymore, remove them.

4 - When you say double with a Boolean flag, do you mean below it have another point score thing? Like Eliza_Depoint >= 1: and below it Elizahasfallenasleep >= 1?
Here again, Penfold Mole gave you the right answer.

6- I couldn't make a return text button for the call screen! I looked everywhere online to try find instructions on how
What ? I'll look at this because you can.

8 - How do you split your code ?!?! O-O
Here, it's @bmpb86 who gave the answer. Note that you can have both the spliting by event and by day. something like "sauna_day1.rpy" and "sauna_day2.rpy" by example. Like said above, do it like it seem natural for you.
Ren'py don't care where the code is, as long as it's in a ".rpy" file somewhere in the "game" directory. If you want, take a look at . It's code is split in really a lots of file, and even a lots of directories. If needed, use to extract the files from the .rpa archive.

9 - I guess Hailey does remove her swimming suit... The embarrassing one piece?
Yes. And I understand it, whatever she said, Maddison isn't this dumb, she wouldn't have bought the, "oh, it's just part of the outfit" ;)

Hailey is a little taller than Brooke by intention - Brooke's skin is also a little paler than Hailey's . It's so that they appear ... Off.
It's not a problem, in fact it's quickly forgotten, just surprising at first.

As for the pictures problem addressed by bmpb86, it is and it isn't a problem.
You can order your pictures, and you can compress them more efficiently (without real loose in quality). By switching from JPEG to WEBP, Ptolemy past "dreaming of Dana" from an archive around 9Go, to an archive around 1Go. This with the same visual result, so it worth it. Take a look at for more on the subject.


Thank GOD, i always ask in the threats because there are a shit ton loads of games that have ntr in it but they don't but it in the tags.

Thank for the fast respond :D
Hmmm I must have missed a "shit ton loads" of interesting games, can you give me some examples?
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3.90 star(s) 39 Votes