If you still enjoy the game, by all means, play it and enjoy it. I'm just saying how I feel. I agree with the sentiment that the game is going downhill, fast, and I decided to drop it. First was the Grace scene, even though my MC was in a relationship with her, but because my MC was also in a relationship with Alice and because I chose a threesome with them, I don't get the scene. I read something about Alice and Grace are now a couple or something and the MC isn't involved with them anymore or whatever, and I find that pretty stupid, but I could've let that slide. Maybe. The second thing was, after the MC treats everyone to a feast, he has to choose who to mingle with like he's a fucking stranger. What's with that, they can't all hang out and chat together? The third thing, to get the scene with Erica, you have to have chosen "nice girls," the "romantic" option... go get a quick and dirty blowjob behind a rustbucket of a truck out in public. Yeah. Real fucking romantic. That's where I said fuck this nonsense garbage.
Just my two cents, take them for what they're worth. If you like the game still, don't let me influence you. I, however, cannot continue playing this mountain of retarded anymore. It's such a shame, because part 1 was really fun.