I really liked the black and white transition. I haven't seen it done this way in other games and I think it worked quite well. Overall, I enjoyed the game and saw noticeable improvements in most categories as I got to the content from later updates.
Some quick criticisms. I felt the circumstances in the collapse of the US to be a bit farfetched. Mass exodus of corporations due to high taxes doesn't seem feasible in the timescale given in the intro. Furthermore, unless the US turned into a dictatorship, there will certainly be a party opposed to the conditions that lead to the corporations leaving. In my mind, some catastrophic event would be required for the US to fall all the way to the gutter.
Also, I felt that the prostitute girls were not incorporated into the main plot very well. It seemed a bit disjointed. I'm sure more will be revealed later on, but we hardly know anything about the MC at this point. The prostitute storyline is connected by the flimsiest thread of the first murder (to draw MC out supposedly) happening in their establishment. The MC wanting to "take care" of them is a weak motivation given the circumstances he is in. For example, he just leaves the pop singer who he is tasked with protecting to go shoot some porn with the prostitutes. That seems wrong on many levels. It could be stated that they are just the side stories, but so far, they were the main feature.
It's good to layer the backstory bit by bit as you progress through the plot, but care should be taken to get the audience invested. We need to know the motivations of the MC and what drives him to the next destination in the plot. We don't need the whole picture right away, but the story thus far give us nothing.
These are my opinions so take it as you will