I did play this game a bit and there few issues and some bugs that I had with it:
1. Why the retarded control scheme? How do I set it to normal rpg maker controls like other fan games have (reborn, rej, etc)?
2. Can you add instant text speed? I hate having to wait for letters to crawl through screen.
3. If you can then add that speed up thing that reborn has too, it makes grinding way less of an issue.
4. There is no picture when you decide to tie that lady in cave before fingering her.
5. Characters can reference things that never happened. Like meeting Leaf north of hometown or talking about Ditto when you never got it.
6. And speaking of Ditto, "Serena" Ditto never disappears. She just keep sitting there.
7. You can cut trees way before you get axe, I could as soon as I talked with charmander on that rock before next town.
8. Since you want to go with no catching pokemons and evolutions tied to story, did you consider manually setting pokemon natures and iv's to normalize experience? They can have big impact on how game feels (like scyther having -atk and +satk will make it nearly useless) I would say that everyone having the same one would be way to go, or add way to change them in some town.
9. I don't think I saw that picture from op with lopunnies even though I am pretty sure I am done with mansion and buneary evolved.
1. the control scheme was made for playing with one hand on either wasd or numpad, I don't intend for it to be reverted
2. The beta mad text extremely quick (at least when starting a new game) you can change the text speed in setting but if i'ts already very quick in beta then don't
3. I'm too much of a purist to add speedup, if the game doesn't hold up on it's own then I dont want to just put a lazy bandaid on it
4.Yeah, I meant to redo that scene, I thought it looked ugly
5.In 0.4.5 I'm going over diolouge with a fine tooth comb to make sure stuff like that doesn't slip through and to overhaul existing text
6.made better looking
7.there was originally a secret tile for bug fixing that activated the axe, fixed for next update
8.Yeah, in 4.5 I'm adding that, I meant to for this update but forgot
9. it's a secret scene involving activating some weird looking furniture in the building