View attachment 935426
just ONE question: WHY are the testversion pokemon such as Gengar, Golduck ect drawn so badly in the doggy illustration ? i mean basically its not a judge or something but other pokemon look better drawn.
View attachment 935424
View attachment 935425
- Updated the chart of illustrated Pokémon.
- Added 17 new box wallpapers.
- Fixed Wintercress Town's Fly location.
- Fixed tree collision in Wintercress Town.
- Trainers beware! There are reports of naked travelers being attacked by wild alpha Pokémon!
- The Name Rater is back home in Yarrow City.
- When following, Jamie will run along with the player.
- A masked man terrorizes Inngoers in Marigold City.
- The skies have reportedly darkened at times over the abandoned Power Plant near Route 12.
- The roads along Route 21 have opened.
- Riolu illustrated ( thanks to Amonrisaey ).
- Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, Meowth line, Psyduck line, Clefairy line, Poliwag line, Gastly line, Wooper line, Cubone line, Pinsir line, Slowpoke, Slowbro, Geodude, Goldeen, Abra, Jynx, and Dratini illustrated ( thanks to MelvMelvTheMelv ).