Nov 29, 2020
i mean its really a difference in the drawing obviously. maybe someone else made it ? i hope for a change of it. and im not only talking about the dick. the jolteon looks more smooth
Someone else did draw them. That's why there are so many more than the previous version, even with all the new features.

Is there an NPC who trades for shards? I've mined so many and I'd be so disappointed if they were just sell resources.
Traditionally, Shards are used to pay Move Tutors, but the only one is the Fury Plant/Blast Burn/Hydro Cannon tutor in Wintercress, who trains for free. Since only fully Evolved Starters can learn those moves, I don't know if she counts.

Help, I'm kinda lost. Just beat the 3rd gym and no idea what to do next. I think I might have missed some stuff
Be sure to check out Route 5 between Tulip Town and Clover Town, if you haven't already. You need Surf, though.

I got a save from last year with three hours put into it will that still work I hope?
It should.


Jan 29, 2018
View attachment 935426 just ONE question: WHY are the testversion pokemon such as Gengar, Golduck ect drawn so badly in the doggy illustration ? i mean basically its not a judge or something but other pokemon look better drawn. View attachment 935424 View attachment 935425

- Updated the chart of illustrated Pokémon.
- Added 17 new box wallpapers.
- Fixed Wintercress Town's Fly location.
- Fixed tree collision in Wintercress Town.
- Trainers beware! There are reports of naked travelers being attacked by wild alpha Pokémon!
- The Name Rater is back home in Yarrow City.
- When following, Jamie will run along with the player.
- A masked man terrorizes Inngoers in Marigold City.
- The skies have reportedly darkened at times over the abandoned Power Plant near Route 12.
- The roads along Route 21 have opened.
- Riolu illustrated ( thanks to Amonrisaey ).
- Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, Meowth line, Psyduck line, Clefairy line, Poliwag line, Gastly line, Wooper line, Cubone line, Pinsir line, Slowpoke, Slowbro, Geodude, Goldeen, Abra, Jynx, and Dratini illustrated ( thanks to MelvMelvTheMelv ).


May 10, 2018
i mean its really a difference in the drawing obviously. maybe someone else made it ? i hope for a change of it. and im not only talking about the dick. the jolteon looks more smooth
Other people did some the mons like gengar. And well... there is no polite way of saying they look, not good. It's cool they wanted to help and did so many mons but, it's really jarring to see it in there to be honest.
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Jun 3, 2018
Other people did some the mons like gengar. And well... there is no polite way of saying they look, not good. It's cool they wanted to help and did so many mons but, it's really jarring to see it in there to be honest.
Due to the sheer amount, I'm grateful when people have offered to illustrate a few.
They can be considered placeholders. At some point, I'll be able to dedicate a release entirely to giving Pokémon illustrations and I'll be able to revisit these ones. In the meanwhile, I think most people would want more gameplay or events.
Nov 3, 2019
Due to the sheer amount, I'm grateful when people have offered to illustrate a few.
They can be considered placeholders. At some point, I'll be able to dedicate a release entirely to giving Pokémon illustrations and I'll be able to revisit these ones. In the meanwhile, I think most people would want more gameplay or events.

thats just what i wanted to know ! thanks Hino. and as placeholders its fine i just was worried that it stays that way XD that was all ^^
Nov 29, 2020
Thanks, also How do access Debug mode?
There's a debug.bat file in the game folder. Activate it like a program and it will launch the game in Debug mode. Saving with Debug active will recompile some scripts. I've had some issues before as a result, though that may just be weirdness on my end. Still, I'd recommend backing up your Data folder. And maybe your save, just to be safe.
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Dec 17, 2019
just ONE question: WHY are the testversion pokemon such as Gengar, Golduck ect drawn so badly in the doggy illustration ? i mean basically its not a judge or something but other pokemon look better drawn.
Is this an improvement? Because if it is I can do more of these. Just replace the file from the game this.
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Nov 29, 2020
Misdreavus and Murkrow can be caught, but not Evolved. Unless I'm missing a source of Dusk Stones somewhere.

For that matter, King's Rock (Slowpoke->Slowking, Poliwhirl->Polytoed). Wild Slowpoke and Poliwag don't carry King's Rock. Wild Slowbro and Polywrath do, but can't be encountered right now. Pickup can generate King's Rock, but it's level based. IIRC I got 2 at level 21. I haven't seen any at Level 31. I don't know if it becomes available again at higher levels.
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New Member
Aug 23, 2020
Okay, I managed to discover bug (in test release) that crashes the game and also way to reproduce it:

1) strip naked
2) have alpha mightyena hunting you on route 5
3) run away into nearby town while the alpha is still on screen chasing you (Clover town in case of my testing)

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Tried testing it on different route (12) and with Marigold City as place to escape to, got alpha Ursaring chasing me, yet the error didn't occur. Instead the Ursaring "disappeared" on entering the town and became visible once more when I walked back to route 12.


May 10, 2018
Okay, I managed to discover bug (in test release) that crashes the game and also way to reproduce it:

1) strip naked
2) have alpha mightyena hunting you on route 5
3) run away into nearby town while the alpha is still on screen chasing you (Clover town in case of my testing)

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Tried testing it on different route (12) and with Marigold City as place to escape to, got alpha Ursaring chasing me, yet the error didn't occur. Instead the Ursaring "disappeared" on entering the town and became visible once more when I walked back to route 12.
Sounds like one is gonna need to implement a way to despawn them if you run too far from them and switch routes. Considering that the system, while rad as fuck, isn't something you're gonna want to mess with every time you go through a route naked, it could be a nuisance sometimes.


May 10, 2018
Misdreavus and Murkrow can be caught, but not Evolved. Unless I'm missing a source of Dusk Stones somewhere.

For that matter, King's Rock (Slowpoke->Slowking, Poliwhirl->Polytoed). Wild Slowpoke and Poliwag don't carry King's Rock. Wild Slowbro and Polywrath do, but can't be encountered right now. Pickup can generate King's Rock, but it's level based. IIRC I got 2 at level 21. I haven't seen any at Level 31. I don't know if it becomes available again at higher levels.
So according to serebii, pickup is a way to get one but that's in gen 4,(DPP). I forgot what gen Hino said the data for mons is drawn from. So this could be a way one possibly. Not very practical though, considering how high up in levels you have to get.

Nov 29, 2020
So according to serebii, pickup is a way to get one but that's in gen 4,(DPP)….So this could be a way one possibly. Not very practical though, considering how high up in levels you have to get.
...Pickup can generate King's Rock, but it's level based. IIRC I got 2 at level 21. I haven't seen any at Level 31. I don't know if it becomes available again at higher levels.
To reiterate, I seem to have leveled my Pickup Pokémon into a level band where they can't get King's Rock. Or I'm extremely un/lucky, since I've gotten some Full Restores and Rare Candies. May or not be a bug in Pickup's code. I'd want a better understanding of the mechanics behind Pickup before relying on it for specific items. Especially if there is a level band where you can't get them. Or worse, you can't get them past a certain level.

I believe it's based on Gen 5. The last several Pokémon listed in pokemon.txt are the Gen 5 Legendaries. The Pokémon before them is also Gen 5.
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