
Nov 13, 2017
Not sure, I think Hino has a plan of what to do already. What I do know is that Hino from time to time, asks people on twitter what they would like to see first using a poll. I do know that Hino does look here so if you leave some suggestions maybe Hino will see it
Ah thanks, I ask because I vaguely remember (not sure if my memory is 100% holding up) that Hino mentioned she'd listen to ideas for new scenes and Pokemon Centre quests sometime last year. I'll just post the suggestions I thought up in this thread and hope they're of any use.


Nov 13, 2017
I vaguely recall Hino saying something about listening to suggestions from for scenes/Pokemon Center quests/trainer interactions about the same time they mentioned getting help with placeholder art assets to fill out the Pokemon lines faster, so I figured I would post some ideas I had here in the forum we have. I'm not desperately begging for any of this to be added into the game, but I thought that it could be useful in some way for future content ideas, and since Hino is doing so much basically for free I wanted to try helping with that.

Anyway, here are the suggested ideas I thought up, hope they can be of use to the game in any way.


-rumours of a female perverted trainer in the area (on loss her pokemon rapes you and she rapes your male pokemon, on win you and your pokemon can fuck her, and afterwards she says you should do it again sometime when talking to her)

-Pokemon Center quest to catch a specific pokemon for some kids, low money reward (they fuck it or let it fuck them after the quest is done to lose their virginity, maybe you need to look around to find the scene on the overworld map)
-group of kids’/young trainers’ secret base/abandoned house in a remote area they use as a secret base, every day of the week they request a different specific pokemon to borrow so one of the young NPCs can have sex with it

-breeding daycare that lets you fuck the pokemon (for a price) as an under the counter option, and you can submit your pokemon for that to get a share of the profits (maybe coming back in a day/later in the week gives you a payout). You can also let yourself be filmed for a discount, and can pay for a copy of other films trainers have made (similar to Team Spirit CCTV tape items).

-rumours in town that bullies have their pokemon rape losing classmates, and sell recordings of it (similar to Team Spirit CCTV tape items). Can buy the recordings from different bullies, and also battle them to either make them stop or reverse the situation on them and have your pokemon fuck them while classmates watch

-a visiting tourist (male or female, maybe located at a beach or hot springs town) asks to experience what makes Midara special (since all their friends kept telling them Midara was a great vacation site), so you both battle. If you and/or your pokemon fuck them afterwards, they’re excited for the experience and pay you for letting them know about this side, followed by saying they’re excited to do it with other trainers. If not, they say the battle was fun but still don’t see what makes Midara special compared to other regions.

-trainer couple (likely punk trainer class) that you can find hidden in a remote section of a map taking advantage of other trainer(s) using their pokemon, either watch or battle them. When you win they’re the ones getting fucked by their own pokemon on the overworld map afterwards, and the other trainer(s) thanks you and give you an item (maybe a new TM or key item), perhaps commenting on how they might have picked up a new fetish from what happened. Possible way to introduce a new semi-important NPC, Gym Leader, or Emmie encounter.


Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2017
I vaguely recall Hino saying something about listening to suggestions from for scenes/Pokemon Center quests/trainer interactions about the same time they mentioned getting help with placeholder art assets to fill out the Pokemon lines faster, so I figured I would post some ideas I had here in the forum we have. I'm not desperately begging for any of this to be added into the game, but I thought that it could be useful in some way for future content ideas, and since Hino is doing so much basically for free I wanted to try helping with that.
Eh, you could try reaching out on the Discord, but Rule 2 is:

"2. I am not taking requests. Refrain from posting requests or "Idea guy"ing. "
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Deleted member 3111473

the best parody of pokémon, unfortunately there's only one person to code it


Nov 13, 2017
Is there a CG rip or something similar? I like the art but I don't want to play it tbh
you can find all the current CGs in the game files, the folder should be titled "Graphics", then go into the folder titled "Pictures", and within there go into the folder titled "H". Inside "H" should be everything you're looking for, spread among various folders.


Active Member
Apr 15, 2019
I'm still holding out for a H version of Moemon. I really liked Moemon back when it first came out, ended up using pokemon I never used in the original games cause I liked their new design. REALLY hoping for a updated Moemon using Gen 5-8 pokemon.

This however is definitely my 2nd favorite pokemon themed H game I've played. With number one going to Pokegal Hunter.
Last edited:


New Member
Feb 4, 2021
hi, how can i get the dp scene from team spirit?
And how can I do more scenes than just flannery is fucked in the steam spirit adult studio?
Feb 5, 2021
Hello, I need help, I think I was in the argent city
in the pokemon center and I did not realize that I had no money to pay, and then they locked me up and I do not know how to get out, I already tried to close the game, but I had saved it believing that the door would be open or that later they would take me out of there and I do not know what to do
I know it sounds silly sorry but I need help
Feb 5, 2021
Hello, I need help, I think I was in the argent city
in the pokemon center and I did not realize that I had no money to pay, and then they locked me up and I do not know how to get out, I already tried to close the game, but I had saved it believing that the door would be open or that later they would take me out of there and I do not know what to do
I know it sounds silly sorry but I need help
sorry for bothering you I already made it out


Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2017
Hello, I need help, I think I was in the argent city
in the pokemon center and I did not realize that I had no money to pay, and then they locked me up and I do not know how to get out, I already tried to close the game, but I had saved it believing that the door would be open or that later they would take me out of there and I do not know what to do
I know it sounds silly sorry but I need help
sorry for bothering you I already made it out
Sorry, I hate when people ask a question and then respond simply with "nvm, I figured it out", because others who might have that question would probably like to know what the answer is.

If you're locked in the Argent city prison, wait for a while (in game minutes), and/or walk around inside the prison and there will be a cutscene where someone will free you. This event will likely be more fleshed out as the game development progresses.
Feb 5, 2021
[QUOTE = "Emerald_Gladiator, publicación: 5056088, miembro: 61319"]
Lo siento, odio cuando la gente hace una pregunta y luego responde simplemente con "nvm, lo he descubierto", porque a otras personas que puedan tener esa pregunta probablemente les gustaría saber cuál es la respuesta.

Si estás encerrado en la prisión de la ciudad de Argent, espera un rato (en minutos del juego) y / o camina dentro de la prisión y habrá una escena en la que alguien te liberará. Es probable que este evento se desarrolle más a medida que avanza el desarrollo del juego.

Lo siento
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4.10 star(s) 47 Votes