Thanos come to Earth to get the infinte stones and the heros have to fight back Infinity War
Harry Potter have to seek for the horcruxes to defeat Voldermont once he accomplish to come back
Loki try conquer Earth and make the heros form The Avengers in the first Avengers movie
Rocky Balboa fighting Ivan Drago to revenge Apollo Creed's death.
Luke Skywalker going to fight Dath Vader to help his captured friends in Empire Strike Back
John Wick killing everyone because they killed his dog
most super hero stories are the superheros reacting to what a super villain does, for example, batman almost never seeks the joker out unless he suspects him of a crime, superman never goes looking in space for evil aliens.
Recent example, 'everything everywhere all at once', its plot only starts because the main antagonist starts taking action, and most of the movie is just the main character reacting to other characters until the end.
Sure, EVERY make believe story or fantasy EVER. The hero of the stories never go to the demon king, villain, antagonist before they've done anything wrong. Bad guys exist, because they must do wrong first and the hero is then created to counter him. The hero is never made first, otherwise if a hero kills a villain before the villain commits a crime, then the hero is really the bad guy.
I showed you examples, because it's all that exist. YOU show ME an example where the hero of the story defeated the villain before the villain commits crimes.
I contemplated on this for some time but in the end I realised that I didn't had to.
Don't know why you are comparing triple A movies with this game but anyway as I have already said either you misunderstood my point or are entirely wrong in making a point because if your point is that MCs of these stories doesn't make a move until the antagonist make a major move again when they are already a threat then you definitely are wrong.
it always start with the antagonist making a move like blackmailing, killing a loved one, doing some other shit or its already established that antagonist is worth punishing for an event in past. After that most MCs goes head on heels against the antagonist at least most likeable ones.
About them not taking risks lol, these movies are full of MCs making some dumb/risky moves that end up working in the end, that some might question "what the heck is going on here?" but still people like them.
And comparing sterling with John wick?
Only1P I don't know why you deleted your post but your suggestion end up relating to this because denji (MC) was really careless in that series just like sterling but I would like to say that he is super power full, his speciality is only to get to the action and get shit done, everything else is done by others, he can afford to be careless and in the end it would make sense because he is super power full, many if not most superhero titles are like that.
dartred I have something for you. It's called "The Fosters", it have almost similar premise like this one, the only difference is that the MC in that story is a lot more engaged in fucking the antagonist than this one. He literally let his "ninja" sister (J/k) to get prohibited door keys from the sleeping antagonist even though they knew it would have dire consequences if they got caught, dumb right? But that's the only scene I remember crystal clear because it gave me goosebumps. Although It's a little short and if I remember correctly the ending was immature but first release of the fosters 2 just got released so it will probably be compensated by that.