
May 31, 2017
If you haven't seen any of my criticisms today or over the last 6 months as any good reason then your a shill who wont agree with anything I say even when I end up being correct about WWG you'll cope hard :p
bro the dev doesn't owe you shit except for early access and maybe a 4k wallpaper. You are/where donating to them, not paying to have access to the product. The amount of entitlement is insane, go outside and touch some grass.

Fayn Arawn

Active Member
May 24, 2019
Still, a chapter is about a 10 month project, its hard to estimate at the start but being days away from release it should get easier.
Most don’t even complain about the actual wait time, it’s being mislead with timelines changing last minute.
Thank you both for these clear and valid points which I hadn't previously considered. In my own defense, I don't recall them being articulated so well (if ever) before. Most criticisms seem to boil down to "I don't believe it should take this long, the dev must be scamming", which I find ridiculous based on the increasing size and quality of each chapter. But it is fair to recognize the last minute delays could probably have been predicted and communicated sooner. Although even if they were, I wonder if we wouldn't have the same amount of complaining anyway. Damned if you do, damned if you don't?


Oct 6, 2018
Thank you both for these clear and valid points which I hadn't previously considered. In my own defense, I don't recall them being articulated so well (if ever) before. Most criticisms seem to boil down to "I don't believe it should take this long, the dev must be scamming", which I find ridiculous based on the increasing size and quality of each chapter. But it is fair to recognize the last minute delays could probably have been predicted and communicated sooner. Although even if they were, I wonder if we wouldn't have the same amount of complaining anyway. Damned if you do, damned if you don't?
I think he would even avoid a lot of the criticism if he didn’t give any timeline at all and just put out general status updates. There’s great devs on here that just put out status updates regularly and make things clear/transparent without setting timelines, yet they don’t get all of this flack (DPC and Caribdis are the best examples of this with long dev times). Everyone knows they’ll get a great product when it’s ready, and they trust those devs. A very simple and old adage in management is, “To under promise and over deliver is better than vice versa” (over promising and under delivering). As far as estimates and timelines go (not quality), WWG is seemingly always in the vice versa category.


Nov 1, 2020
bro the dev doesn't owe you shit except for early access and maybe a 4k wallpaper. You are/where donating to them, not paying to have access to the product. The amount of entitlement is insane, go outside and touch some grass.
Dude, the product we get here is 100% piracy, the dev has no free build, he WAS paying to get access to the product.


New Member
Oct 2, 2021
He has dished out enough insults to others over the years, I'm sure he can take a jab or two....but then again maybe not since he booted me from his discord for saying his animations aren't very good.:whistle:

My last reply. see yall on update day, next week.... maybe:ROFLMAO:
If their animations aren't that good, why did you donate $10 a month for almost 4 years?
Also it's not for sucking his balls but his animations are good.
The problem here is that the community is bad used to games that are updated in 2 months and only get one or two animations. be patient motherfuckers


Jul 17, 2018
Dude, the product we get here is 100% piracy, the dev has no free build, he WAS paying to get access to the product.
I think their point is that patreon is ultimately a donation service and, per Patreon's , the only entitlement when you support a creator is access to existing content. You have no lien to future works by donating (anyone who's tried to get a refund from Patreon when an artist disappears or fails to deliver on a deadline knows this).

If you're using Patreon to purchase access to new versions of games, you should really just buy in when a new version drops and then cancel your subscription immediately after downloading the content.

If you're using Patreon because an artist's works brought you joy and you want to support them, that's awesome, but those are donations and you should really view them as such rather than getting toxic when the artist's productivity drops.

In either case, your money doesn't get you future content. It just increases the likelihood the artist will be able to produce future content with your support.


Active Member
Jul 7, 2020
Id be satisfied if he stopped making animations, we'd get faster updates... jokes aside.

my biggest issue has been the moment he said he was in the writing phase in SEPTEMBER its fucking january and only in December the release month he has to scramble to make more scenes because of the writing... if he was this godly writer you guys seem to portray him as you'd think he'd have the skill to write a little more quickly.

4 months of writing and you fools are lapping it up is probably his biggest joke in his failed stand up career and (yes WWG is a failed stand up comedian hence we have PV.)
I made a comment that got removed by mods explaining why 4 months for 200k words is perfectly viable. So I'll make it way simpler.

Google "how long it takes to write a book". His last chapter was like 100k words and this chapter is bigger. That's a full book length. Spoiler, books can take 4-8 months to write.

And no, I don't think he's a godly writer. I just think the criticisms are dumb. You don't like how long this is taking. That's fine. But that doesn't mean he's doing something wrong by putting more time into releasing the chapter instead of less time.


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2021
I made a comment that got removed by mods explaining why 4 months for 200k words is perfectly viable. So I'll make it way simpler.

Google "how long it takes to write a book". His last chapter was like 100k words and this chapter is bigger. That's a full book length. Spoiler, books can take 4-8 months to write.

And no, I don't think he's a godly writer. I just think the criticisms are dumb. You don't like how long this is taking. That's fine. But that doesn't mean he's doing something wrong by putting more time into releasing the chapter instead of less time.
You wouldn't have bothered to write it again, the mods will most likely nuke this again :LOL:
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