God, this thread is wonderful at times.
Turns out after a update is out and leaked, I need to bring snacks.
You know, not to ruin the thrill of it for the What If? people but its a couple animations, few still poses and some text, that takes nowhere near as long as a full chapter of stuff (even if Ch8 felt smaller than alot of the others).
People be like "he should spend this time on the main game", Lets say this What if? took 6 days like someone predicted, thats probably only 1-2 on the checklist in that time, and I don't mean fully, I mean like "Do Task 1-2/6" Based on how much of the animations and poses he reuses.
Considering hunter's warning, we may even be getting a new character next chapter, thats alot of work, depending on the chapter load, your looking at 3-5 months between chapters and whilst I get antsy waiting for the next chapter, its nice to have something else to play whilst I wait. Even if its like 10mins.
If you want things to come any quicker, support him enough to get a second PC to assist in rendering, or offer to help WWG in creating the content from your system.
TL;DR: What if?'s are here to stay, your not losing out on content and if your into whatever the vote ends up being, you get extra whilst you wait. Sulking like a baby isn't going to make them go away or make the next chapter come quicker... or stop my next-door neighbour from singing... but that part isn't your issue.