
Jan 22, 2019
See guys, this is what an uninformed post looks like and the spreading of false information. Who are you going to believe? This guy or the Dev that said it took him 3 days to make the first what if and i'm guessing about 6 days based on release time to make the second?

Just because you are mad, doesn't make your post a fact. FACT IS that the dev is getting more ambitious each update and longer each update. THAT'S what's causing longer production time. Look at how many renders are in a chapter since the game started. Oh? there are more renders as the chapters go on? WOW!

In this upcoming chapter, you can see he used a lot of godrays which he said in his discord that he just learned how to use to make it look like it's hot. since it's the heat wave update.

Again, the what if's are not what caused this game to take several months to update. The game is getting bigger.
well than all that's left is for the dev to relase chapter 10, 11 and 12 on there respective unintrerupted relase dates and all is fine, if i am wrong than i am wrong and i am fine with that, i just spend a lot, A LOT, of time on this site, playing a tuns of games and i just put forword what ussualy happens 99% of the cases, if this is that 1% than i am more than happy to be wrong :)
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Dec 7, 2018
I think the fact that this is done by one guy, that's it's got a good amount of high quality renders per scene, and that the writing is as good as it is (the main part) makes the release schedule actually pretty impressive. Have you ever tried to be funny? Consistently? How many comedians release new material every half a year? Dev is killing it.


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2020
The Dev has said many times that these "what If" side stories take barely any time to make and will never take priority over the main game
There is not such a thing as "take barely any time to make" in VNs, the time he is wasting catering to a portion of his subs could be used to add a few extra scenes to the main game, he needs to write the side story, code, pose, render, post work and test.. so it is wasted time no matter how you see it, non-NTR subs are paying him to develop something they didn't asked/signed for. They can talk with their wallet tho, but we know how it goes.


Nov 4, 2020
God, this thread is wonderful at times.
Turns out after a update is out and leaked, I need to bring snacks.

You know, not to ruin the thrill of it for the What If? people but its a couple animations, few still poses and some text, that takes nowhere near as long as a full chapter of stuff (even if Ch8 felt smaller than alot of the others).

People be like "he should spend this time on the main game", Lets say this What if? took 6 days like someone predicted, thats probably only 1-2 on the checklist in that time, and I don't mean fully, I mean like "Do Task 1-2/6" Based on how much of the animations and poses he reuses.

Considering hunter's warning, we may even be getting a new character next chapter, thats alot of work, depending on the chapter load, your looking at 3-5 months between chapters and whilst I get antsy waiting for the next chapter, its nice to have something else to play whilst I wait. Even if its like 10mins.

If you want things to come any quicker, support him enough to get a second PC to assist in rendering, or offer to help WWG in creating the content from your system.

TL;DR: What if?'s are here to stay, your not losing out on content and if your into whatever the vote ends up being, you get extra whilst you wait. Sulking like a baby isn't going to make them go away or make the next chapter come quicker... or stop my next-door neighbour from singing... but that part isn't your issue.


Active Member
Game Developer
Oct 8, 2020
There is not such a thing as "take barely any time to make" in VNs, the time he is wasting catering to a portion of his subs could be used to add a few extra scenes to the main game, he needs to write the side story, code, pose, render, post work and test.. so it is wasted time no matter how you see it, non-NTR subs are paying him to develop something they didn't asked/signed for. They can talk with their wallet tho, but we know how it goes.
Obviously, I can't speak for WWG, but game developers do more than work on their games. Some of us have full- or part-time jobs, some work on multiple games, some care for loved ones, but regardless we need some time to let our brains relax. That might be watching TV, or going to a sporting event, or just going for a walk outside. Whatever it is it's time when we aren't actively working on our game(s). That time isn't new, it's built into the update schedule you're already familiar with.

When a dev wants to do something extra for their supporters (like a special chapter), or maybe start work on a new game, or whatever game related thing it is, that doesn't mean time is being taken away from the first game. Many times it means reducing that personal time. That's not just because we don't want to disappoint our supporters, but we also want to finish our games.

Before I started making my own game, I had a list of a few dozen games (including this one) I would jump between when updates would come out. I had enough so that one or two would get updated every week or two. I didn't have to wait long to play something new. Now, I have so many games with updates waiting for me to play, I'm not sure I'll ever catch back up. I have games with more than one update I've missed. I just don't have as much time. I put time aside to do things, but games just aren't as high on that list. Something that is high on that list is working on character design for my second game. It doesn't take time away from the first game, but it does take time away from other things in my life.

TLDR: Bottom line: If WWG says the What If chapters don't take time away from making Power Vacuum, believe him.


Nov 4, 2020
If you can fap to ntr you can fap to anything, even watching grass grow.
IDK, I like sex pretty much any way its shown I just put myself in the position of the Person doing the NTR, but im pretty sure there are some people that need that NTR feeling of getting cucked to fap. They would be excluded.
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Active Member
Aug 9, 2017
new content on one of my favorite games i wont complain but i do have something to say. i have no problem with the what if NTR stories but i wish they were a little different. my problem with the first what if was it was just a ntr ending that is very similar to the ntr endings in the main game, the second on at least isnt hunter but still a very similar style.

why not do something really different like what if MC's father sided with hunter (first thought that came into my head not a real suggestion) and it result in a different story all together. im not suggest doing a separate story or anything, same length and the players are expected and can piece together whats missing using their knowledge of the main game.

FYI im not a patron so i cant vote, and im ok with that, not planning on being a patron, my budget wont allow it.
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Jun 15, 2017
There is not such a thing as "take barely any time to make" in VNs, the time he is wasting catering to a portion of his subs could be used to add a few extra scenes to the main game, he needs to write the side story, code, pose, render, post work and test.. so it is wasted time no matter how you see it, non-NTR subs are paying him to develop something they didn't asked/signed for. They can talk with their wallet tho, but we know how it goes.
This couldn't be more dumb, just because you view something as a waste of time doesn't make it so. There is clearly a portion of people that enjoy and look forward to the "what if's" otherwise the dev wouldn't decided to make them, the only issue so far is the lack of non-NTR/ vanilla content and once that is made both sides of the fanbase will be happy and cease this squabbling. You need to stop speaking your viewpoint as facts it just makes you come of narcissistic.


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Aug 30, 2017
new content on one of my favorite games i wont complain but i do have something to say. i have no problem with the what if NTR stories but i wish they were a little different. my problem with the first what if was it was just a ntr ending that is very similar to the ntr endings in the main game, the second on at least isnt hunter but still a very similar style.

why not do something really different like what if MC's father sided with hunter (first thought that came into my head not a real suggestion) and it result in a different story all together. im not suggest doing a separate story or anything, same length and the players are expected and can piece together whats missing using their knowledge of the main game.

FYI im not a patron so i cant vote, and im ok with that, not planning on being a patron, my budget wont allow it.
Great suggestion. We need to go crazy and think outside the box. Suggestions don't have to be a continuation of an already established event or story.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2020
This couldn't be more dumb, just because you view something as a waste of time doesn't make it so. There is clearly a portion of people that enjoy and look forward to the "what if's" otherwise the dev wouldn't decided to make them, the only issue so far is the lack of non-NTR/ vanilla content and once that is made both sides of the fanbase will be happy and cease this squabbling. You need to stop speaking your viewpoint as facts it just makes you come of narcissistic.
You are the one disregarding my opinion and calling it dumb, i'am not the narcissistic here. I only stated facts and they are not my facts, it's basic knowledge that so you or anyone here can play VNs someone must spend time making it, in this case it was spent making a side story (an exclusive one) instead of the main thing.

There is also a clear portion of people that don't look forward to the "what if's", what now? As i'am the narcissistic i'll say that only the clear portion of people that don't look forward matters and since you are not narcissitic you won't dare to say otherwise.
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