but its a game, dont try to put our "morals" on it, just enjoy.
I agree, a suspension of disbelief is necessary to fully enjoy the far-fetched plot here. What matters is that the game's logic is internally consistent, not whether it aligns with what we would do in a similarly implausible scenario. I find it fun to speculate on what might happen next in this game, and I enjoy reading others' well thought-out theories citing background evidence. If you want to be that guy who says the Fellowship should've just rode the eagles to Mordor, well sure, but that's not a fun conversation for the rest of us.
As for my speculation:
Based on David's journal, I think Drew has embraced being a "dio del sesso". When confronted by David, Drew tried to shift blame onto Hunter, but also seemed enthusiastic and proud, and David wrote he thought Drew wasn't telling him everything. Whether Drew is sexually attracted to men, women, or both, is not totally clear. But we know Drew fucked Keira and her mother, which strongly implies a sexual attraction to women. And after Hunter's attempt to fuck Brenna is thwarted in chapter 7, Hunter says he's calling in Drew as "backup" and refers to Drew as "the manager" of "Babies R Us". These comments reinforce the idea that Drew, while appearing female, also has the desire to fuck women. Considering the bisexual behaviors exhibited by several of the women in the story, I suspect they might find Drew particularly alluring. Assuming Drew still has a dick, it's like "the best of both worlds" to the other women. Add that Drew is supposedly a master of seduction and you have a far bigger threat than Hunter could ever be.