I think you might've misinterpreted Karen a bit. She's not "the typical career woman who listened to their parents and went into the work grind because that's what's being told of them[sic]". Her father is the one who keeps nagging her to find a husband since she's about to turn 30. Running the shop is something Karen did because she wanted to. In fact, early on she mentions that it isn't really profitable and that her father is financially supporting her.
It definitely isn't the case that Karen "cannot get a man". Every man that Alcy suggests it to is very enthusiastic about dating Karen, both before and after they meet her. It's just that all of the guys Alcy tries to set her up with are obviously terrible. It's a good characterization moment for Alcy since it shows she always bends over backwards to see the good in anyone and has to have Yorunia explain to her what the problem is. It's also mentioned that the main reason more guys aren't talking to Karen and asking her out is because they're fearful of Dina.
And Karen herself then explains what the problem is - she only knows what she doesn't like in a romantic partner, and was never able to think of what she actually did want.
the thing is, all those points have quite a lot of equivalent. breakdown:
Her father is the one who keeps nagging her to find a husband since she's about to turn 30. = so what was the dad saying before she turned 30? what was he saying when Karen was, oh I dunno, 15? 18? 20? I bet its the same as what most boomer dads do: just go study, get a job, be stable etc....
In fact, early on she mentions that it isn't really profitable and that her father is financially supporting her. = and who's enabling the entire thing? who wants to bet that the dad is willing to take this loss if it means he can still get to see his daughter, the only eye candy left in his house? and now the dad wants her out of his house because she's not an eye candy anymore under the premise of you need to get married soon and fast. (and guys don't want women that the dads themselves don't consider eye candy. understandably)
It definitely isn't the case that Karen "cannot get a man". = she can't get one "anymore". the 3 interviews was pretty clear that they (the guys) don't want anything long term to Karen. sure they'll smash. but commit? no way. she could have gotten one when she was younger, but she, by her parents' parenting, and definitely the dad has a big hand on this, disallowed that from happening.
It's also mentioned that the main reason more guys aren't talking to Karen and asking her out is because they're fearful of Dina. = I mean this can be a factor, or just an extra excuse as to why they shouldn't commit to her.
And Karen herself then explains what the problem is - she only knows what she doesn't like in a romantic partner, and was never able to think of what she actually did want. = she is indoctrinated to think this way. from a very young age. I'm sorry but this is exactly the thinking of 90% of today's modern women indoctrinated since high school. the boomer parents aren't helping. they are still stuck in the thinking that education is important, its the path to success or whatever lies that were fed to them since 1930s.