Um, never heard of that until now.
Sure ... that is exactly what Bruce Wayne told me when I asked him about this Batman person.
So here I am, my left hand at the controls, pressing every button it could reach, trying to figure out how to attack the enemies.
To my dismay and horror, it turns out I actually have to take my right hand off of my "joystick" and use the mouse.
Please let players redefine the controls
This, so much. I hate platformers that utilise the mouse. Unless you have some secret, specific plan that absolutely hinges on the mouse use, please give us the option!
... Although given the game's early state, I have no doubt that an options menu with keybinding
will be implemented - just chirping in so it does not get forgotten.
Speaking of the game's early state, as all the others mentioned: Fabulous start, matey! From what the animation quality, vibe and atmosphere promise (and from what Section 7 already established), this
is going to be one the big ones.
Quick note, also stemming from Section 7: I absolutely
adored that interactive game over sequence, where the heroine lies on the floor post-rape, and if you do not get up - or in the later stage, adding just
another level of hotness: Crawl away - in time, a door opens at the end of the corridor, and another monster comes over to have his way with her again (completely with different animations and all!). I so hope that this game will have something similar to that.

Even these days, every time I hear that door open and that weird faceless boner-zombie stagger over while I frantically try to crawl somewhere safe (knowing full well the futility of it), I get blown away by that much care and attention in designing what in other games is just a 'You lose'-screen! Aye, showing instead of telling, indeed!