I do really like the detail the dev is putting into this. Developing an actual functional game is, in my opinion, the first and foremost thing to do when making porn game. The porn aspect coming in at a close 2nd for priority. I'd rather play a well made porn game with less, but decent smut, than another VN html/renpy clone, that's overflowing with such taboo kinks, it'd make a republican senator blush and give an impassioned speech about banning it.
But, I do hope the dev sticks to a clear vision, and develops the game accordingly. I'd hate to see this become a Star Citizen/Yandere Sim, where the development is just a process of adding in something compeltely new, not finishing it, and moving onto the next idea.
Having seen the last two attempts by the dev, it does give me that nagging doubt if they can finish this project, but I hope to be proven wrong. The demo build was good (minus the menu controls) and I'm sure their last projects gave them some important lessons to follow.
Keep us updated!