the developer in Discord said to expect a release from 15-26thDid the release get delayed? There were two dates on patreon. The 10th and 15th it’s now the 16th and I don’t see a new build.
We've played this build a lot and found a series of issues, expecially with performances in the open world, now that the map is of the final/target size, due to a combination of lack of LODs (there was no time to create that yet) and a couple of error with the world generator that Matto designed which caused recursion in some cases (basically it saturated certain areas with clutter and performances tanked due to the amount of poligons)...hopefully all the issues have been identified and are being fixed, he wants to showcase the world map in the best possible state.the developer in Discord said to expect a release from 15-26th
With contents filling up, performance issues are inevitable since the current build is not very optimized.We've played this build a lot and found a series of issues, expecially with performances in the open world, now that the map is of the final/target size, due to a combination of lack of LODs (there was no time to create that yet) and a couple of error with the world generator that Matto designed which caused recursion in some cases (basically it saturated certain areas with clutter and performances tanked due to the amount of poligons)...hopefully all the issues have been identified and are being fixed, he wants to showcase the world map in the best possible state.
Matto is actually experimenting around with first person view a bit, for now as a mean to make interactions with objects easier and more precise, it might get expanded in the future, but no promises.Any chance to add bodycam pov?
PU was a prototype that eventually evolved into this game.Hi there
I bet it was asked before, but does the devoloper/Matto plan to work on Project Unknown: Section 7 or is it abandoned for good? All his projects were kind of entertaining, but his first I found to be especially enjoying. Best regards and thanks in advance!
i dont think there will be a link because the developer follows this threadSomeone have a link to new build?
Send link on PM. :thx:
come on guys, tip the dev!me too if available