When i saw the first trailer/video i was surprised of the huge quality of a Porn game, so i subscribed to his patreon to be one of those giving him a push and a help for such effort and passion, and hopefully finally to get an "AAA" quality type in an adult game since a lot of people when think an adult/porn game the first thing it come to their minds are those cheap/crappy flash type games.
But after a few months later i start to see the signals of how he totally abandoned the Adult part focusing in trying to compete with other open world games instead of showing more that initially show us, so i stopped my subscription to his patreon after of 6 months, surprise... a few weeks later he announce he fully stopped/scrapped completely the Adult part, if this isnt bait and switch then i dont know what it is.
Im glad i trust my gut and stopped giving him more money, lesson learned, never give money to another person promising the shinny thing and only pay/buy only when the product is finished not before.
If this is his final product possibly is going to be buried with the rest of the other open world indie games that are worth less a dollar each one, sad final for such great potential.