I, for one, have no objection to the forced content. For corruption purposes, it matters that Myriam can choose, but not all scenes need to be that way. I think it's fine if there are some scenes where Myriam doesn't have a choice, because she's being forced, so long as the player has a choice to avoid the scene.
For example, there's the punk who was beating on Bobo. When Myriam maces him, he threatens to rape her the next time he sees her. There's been speculation that this character might reappear when Myriam goes to work with delinquent youth. If so, I'd like to see the foreshadowing for that character play out in one way or another. One way for that to happen would be for him to rape her, as he threatened. Of course, she's bigger than he is, and she's begun taking self-defense classes, so maybe she kicks his ass. Or maybe she chooses whether or not to fight back. Or maybe his buddies are with him, so she's overwhelmed by numbers and can't defend herself. Or maybe any of a hundred other things could happen. But no matter how it plays out, if the player chose not to have Myriam work with delinquent kids, then the player's choice causes Myriam to avoid the situation in which she would no longer be able to choose.
Of course, I have no idea what you, as the developer, have planned, but I'm fine with Myriam sometimes not having a choice, so long as the player retains agency through their choices, which can lead Myriam into or out of those situations.