
Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2022
is a good challenge take good inbreed troops before the double waves, what kind of mixed troops are more optimal? x2 female goglin x 4 meele? or 3 male archers x 6 meele? is actually just cant stand until the female healers spawn, is there more kind of goblin troops too? of at the moment the archers and meele?
I strongly prefer ranged troops over melee in most games (except the ones where I have to aim myself), so my basic unit is 4 archers and 2 melee, or 1 shortstack, 3 archers and 1 melee.

Unfortunately, I'm not very good at coding yet, so that's why I was asking
This site has a healthy supply of people who are good at coding (including myself), but making animations is a more rare skill.
Oct 2, 2022
is a good challenge take good inbreed troops before the double waves, what kind of mixed troops are more optimal? x2 female goglin x 4 meele? or 3 male archers x 6 meele? is actually just cant stand until the female healers spawn, is there more kind of goblin troops too? of at the moment the archers and meele?
At present, the only units that exist are the three goblin types. Three/Four archers and Two/Three Melee seem to be the best configuration. Shortstacks are acceptable in the early stages but once the difficulty ramps up, they become more expensive compare to the value you get out of them.
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Oct 2, 2022
how do you guys survive to double siege waves? :(
Little discussed fact, reloading a wave before it arrives will cause a different set of enemies in both stats and numbers, making a wave that would have wiped you possible to clear.
And while you can reroll where the waves come from by reloading before the day's halfway point, a double wave is near always skewed in strength.
Once you figure out which side is stronger, (often the group that arrives first) you can deploy accordingly and improve your chances.
From my experience though, it's usually the left flank.
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Oct 2, 2022
View attachment 4017600 full archer because i no longer able to breed melee
I would almost say it's worth restarting and keeping at least one Melee goblin safe to not cut off the line, but those stats mean you should be getting by mostly fine.
Also if you have run out of Melee, short stacks are a liability since they take too long to shoot without Melee gobs to absorb hits to buy time.
One of the game's issues is that attack types are decided by the father and there is no way to get more without breeding.
Hopefully once raiding becomes a thing again, this issue can be remedied, because attack type being decided by the father isn't even all that bad of a system. We just need to be able to get more.

Also I'm flattered that people have been picking up my preferred Stat configuration. Even if others arrived at the same conclusions I did, it feels cool.


New Member
Nov 22, 2021
If you go back a page or two in this thread, there was a modder who created a mod to sacrifice unwanted slaves or monsters to raise the base's HP.
There are two icons on the bottom of a unit's portrait to help you track them, a grey compass icon takes you to their location if they're on the map, or a flag icon with a number on it if you have them in a defense formation. If they have neither, then they are probably in storage.
As far as upcoming content, they share progress on Ci-en fairly regularly, so check in every now and then, but it's unlikely that the next major update will release within the next month. I would guess somewhere in the range or October-November at least.
Thank you very much! This is very helpful :)
Mar 21, 2020
I must say this game is very very good i just hope the developer makes the girl enjoy being knocked up and giving birth just like the last one and add more units to it other than great work.


New Member
Jan 16, 2018
Is this just generations of breeding the same breeder over and over or did you find a way to increase the base stats of a breeder?

This is like... 150 generations of a +10 health breeder!! That's crazy!

I need some breeding strategty tips x.x
You have a woman (ex. trait "Health+3) and a goblin (no trait yet).
When they breed, you either get a goblin (Health+3) or a shortstack (Health+3).
Breed untill you get goblin (Health+3).
Replace old goblin with new better goblin.
Now you can get either goblin (Health+6) or shortstack (Health+6)
If goblin - replace old with better and breed and repeat till shortstack.
If shortstack (Health+) - breed her with Player (human male). You either get better woman (Health+) or shortstack (Health+) again.
Breed untill you get woman.
While you are getting woman - can still breed and replace for better goblin.
Replace old woman with better woman.

Repeat till satisfied.
Hope this helps

Health usually for fighters, Damage - for archers.
Two traits and more - offsprings inherit either one or more, never none.

Didn't play around too much, but funny thing:
Sister+Player gives normal women, Sister+Goblin=>Shortstack+Player gives Sisters.
For now we have 1 goblin color (green), 2 skin colors (light and tan),
3 hair colors (white, blonde and dark) and 3 Sister's habit colors (black, white and blue).
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New Member
Jan 7, 2024
Source: Team-applepie/posts/8545657


I haven't seen you in a long time.

Oni can have sex with player characters like a short stack.
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