While this game delivers on all accounts in terms of what the player wants from this kind of game, I definitely wouldn't say that it's finished, not even by a longshot. I mean it ends on a damn cliffhanger! So how the f*ck is that complete? If the header had said 'Abandoned', I would have believed that, as that's how it comes off, as it stands now. Not blaming F95, just to be clear, but that 'Completed' tag is a joke, and not a good one, either. And completely misleading, too.
Otherwise, it's a decent enough game, but like others here have said, not a fan of the beastiality dick, and green (?) hand, and no actual explanation of what happened available in-game. It is however clear that it's probably some kind of experiment that is the cause for the MC's transformation, by proxy through the green goo he idiotically used as lotion to jack off, before confirming that it actually WAS lotion, and not something completely different. Like a true dumbass, like characters in a B-movie horror flick, lol.
As for the question people raised about uncensored patch and incest mod compatibility, (NOT the Koga3 multi-mod) I can confirm that they work fine together, and I had no issues whatsoever, playing the game modded like that. And since the dialogue files were so easily accessible, I took the liberty of correcting whatever grammar errors I saw along the playthrough, and even spiced up the dialogue between the MC and the female character in the game a little bit. And just like
jospaghettio said, it does work better as a M/S game than a B/S game, given how the female character looks when compared to the MC.
But to be fair, that's not only because the MC is short, but also because a lot of devs make the older sister/mom characters out to be like amazonian women, tall with big breasts and wide hips/big asses. So of course the MC is gonna look like a midget, when compared to that. But, I digress. The point I was getting to, is that if anyone wants the alternative script for a modded version of the game like I previously described, let me know, and I'll upload it somewhere, and drop the link to those interested. But I can see why the other male character was 'Boyfriend' without the mod, as he looks pretty much the same age as the MC, but maybe slightly taller? So while I fixed those 2 or 3 instances of 'Boyfriend' that
jospaghettio missed, I can see why it was 'Boyfriend' unmodded, because that guy really doesn't look old enough to be the MC's dad.